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A ratio is a comparison of any two quantities or measures

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Presentation on theme: "A ratio is a comparison of any two quantities or measures"— Presentation transcript:

1 A ratio is a comparison of any two quantities or measures
What relationships do you see between the two numbers of this ratio? 10:20 Answers may vary but focus in on the following> Look for 2 additive answers The first number is 10 less than the second number. 2. The second number is 10 more than the first number. Look for 2 multiplicative answers. 3.The first number is ½ of the second. 4. The second number is two times the first number.

2 What 2 multiplicative relationships do you see in these ratios?
B) 9:3 C) 4:6 D) 16:12 E) 4:10 The first is one-fourth the second. The second is four times the first. B) The first is three times the second. The second is one-third the first. c) The first is two-thirds times the second. The second is three-halves times the first or one and one-half times the first. d) The first is four-thirds or one and one-third times the second. The second is three fourths times the first. E) The first is two-fifths times the second. The second is five-halves or two and one-half times the first.

3 We describe this as a relationship “within” the ratio.
A ratio of two quantities in the same setting is a “within” ratio. The 2nd bullet is found in Teaching Student Centered Mathematics Grades 5-9, page 169.

4 On which cards is the ratio of trucks to boxes the same?
This is a “within” relationship.

5 This could be printed as a handout.

6 Solve this using a “within” relationship
5 10 1.4 ? = 1 2 1 2 Since 5 is of 10, think 1.4 = of ? ? = 2.8

7 A proportion is a statement of equality between two ratios.
1 2 3 6 = is a proportion

8 Solve this proportion = Since 12 is 4 times 3, then ? is 4 times 2.
? = 8 OR Since 3 is of 12, then 2 is of ? 1 4 1 4

9 We describe this as a “between” relationship.
A “between” relationship is a ratio of two corresponding quantities in different situations.

10 On which cards is the ratio of trucks to trucks the same as the ratio of boxes to boxes?
This is a “between” relationship.


12 Solve this using a “between” relationship
7 15 ? 30 =

13 Solve each one using a different method (within or between)
2 9 10 ? = ? 30 6 18 = In this slide and the next, teachers should be able to decide which is the better method to choose for each problem and why.

14 Solve each one using a different method (within or between)
1.2 3.6 ? 4.5 = ? 25 6 10 =

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