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Germany Brooke Vance and Danae McIvor   (German Flag, n.d)

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1 Germany Brooke Vance and Danae McIvor (German Flag, n.d)

2 Symobolism of the German Flag
The flag has three different colors that all have an important meaning. Yellow- hospitality, companionship, consideration, friendliness Red- bravery, heroism, daring, and strength Black-courage, determination, energy, certainity (Symbolism German Flag, n.d)

3 Reason for Entering the War
Entered the war to protect and offer aid to Austria-Hungary.  Germany had an alliance/agreement with Austria-Hungary. Wanted to help Austria-Hungary and to stop their enimes from making their empires larger. Germany wanted to replace Britian as the dominant global power, but needed more colonies.                                                  (German Army, n.d)

4 Short-Term Effects Germany was forced to pay for a large deal of war reparations. The Germans were forced to sign a treaty accepting responsibility for causing the war, as well as benefit out large sums of money in order to pay for war costs. The size of Germany was reduced. Italy and France enlarged. Germany was hit hard with reparations, and inflation drastically lowered the value of the German mark. (Great War Effects, n.d.).

5 Long-Term Effects One long term effect was that after the war Germany was really poor and that is when Hitler promised to get them out of debt and reindustized the country. They were powerless and in debt therefore leaving the country open to takeover. There were about 2,000,000 soldiers killed during the war.

6 Long Term Effects (picture from google images)

7 Five Themes of Global Studies
Globalization- The Germans are influenced by the War leaving them in debt and left the country open for a takeover. Rise of Mass Society- The power shifts to Hilter because he promised the people to help get out of debt. Utopia and Terror- The people had voilence during the war and lived in terror because they wanted to survive. (Mclaughlin, 2011)

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