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Life Course Theory Social Process Time Family Positions and Roles

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1 Life Course Theory Social Process Time Family Positions and Roles
Family Stages and Transitions Stage-Critical Developmental Tasks

2 Social Process Time: a multidimensional (ontogenetic, generational, and historical) continuum in which family transitions and events occur Key Assumption: Social changes in roles, relationships, and responsibilities are time-sensitive and problems are caused when transitions or events occur “off-time” Life Course Theory

3 KEY CONCEPTS “Social Process” Time Positions In Families Family Stages
Ontogenetic Time Generational Time Historical Time Positions In Families Family Stages Transitions Stage-Critical Developmental Tasks KEY CONCEPTS

4 Family Positions and Roles
Sex-Partner Role Provider Role Childcare Role Companion Role Disciplinarian Role Confidante Role Family Positions and Roles Sex-Partner Role Provider Role Childcare Role Companion Role Sex-Partner Role Companion Role Positions are defined by gender, marriage or blood relations, and generational relations Wife-Mother Wife

5 KEY CONCEPTS “Social Process” Time Positions In Families Family Stages
Ontogenetic Time Generational Time Historical Time Positions In Families Family Stages Transitions Stage-Critical Developmental Tasks KEY CONCEPTS

6 Stage I: Married Couple
Establishing a satisfying marriage Fitting into kin networks POSITIONS IN THE FAMILY Wife Husband

7 Stage II: Childbearing
Adjusting to pregnancy Having, adjusting to and encouraging the development of infants Establishing a satisfying home for parents & infants POSITIONS IN THE FAMILY Wife-Mother Husband-Father Daughter-Sister Son-Brother

8 Stage III: Preschool Age
Adapting to needs or interests of preschool children Coping with energy depletion and lack of privacy as parents POSITIONS IN THE FAMILY Wife-Mother Husband-Father Daughter-Sister Son-Brother

Stage IV: School Age Fitting into the community of school-age families Encouraging children’s educational achievement POSITIONS IN THE FAMILY Wife-Mother Husband-Father Daughter-Sister Son-Brother

Stage V: Teenage Balancing freedom with responsibility as teenagers mature Establishing postparental interests and “careers” as parents POSITIONS IN THE FAMILY Wife-Mother Husband-Father Daughter-Sister Son-Brother

11 Stage VB: Teenage Parent
What Are The Stage-Critical Developmental Tasks ? POSITIONS IN THE FAMILY Wife-Mother-Grandmother Husband-Father-Grandfather Daughter-Sister-Mother Son-Brother-Uncle

Stage VB: Divorce Phases Of Divorce The decision to divorce Planning the system breakup Separation Divorce Managing Single-Parent Family Homes POSITIONS IN THE FAMILY Ex-Wife-Mother Ex-Husband-Father Daughter-Sister Son-Brother

Stage VB: Remarriage What Are The Stage-Critical Developmental Tasks ? POSITIONS IN THE FAMILY Ex-Wife-Mother Ex-Husband-Father-Husband Wife-Stepmother Daughter-Sister-Stepdaughter Son-Brother-Stepson

Stage V: Teenage Balancing freedom with responsibility as teenagers mature Establishing postparental interests and “careers” as parents POSITIONS IN THE FAMILY Wife-Mother Husband-Father Daughter-Sister Son-Brother

15 Stage VI: Launching Center
Releasing young adults into adulthood with appropriate rituals and assistance Maintaining a supportive home base POSITIONS IN THE FAMILY Wife-Mother Husband-Father Daughter-Sister Son-Brother

16 Stage VII: Mid-Aged Parents
Daughter-Sister-Aunt-Sister In Law Son-Brother-Husband/”Partner”-Father Rebuilding the marriage relationship Maintaining kin ties with older and younger generations POSITIONS IN THE FAMILY Wife-Mother-Grandmother-Mother In Law Husband-Father-Grandfather-Father In Law

17 Stage VIII: Aging Family
Closing the family home or adapting it to aging Adjusting to retirement Coping with bereavement and living alone POSITIONS IN THE FAMILY Widow-Mother-Grandmother Wife-Mother-Grandmother Husband-Father-Grandfather

18 Stage IIB: Sandwich Family
What Are The Stage-Critical Developmental Tasks ? POSITIONS IN THE FAMILY Daughter-Wife-Mother-Caregiver Son In Law-Father-Husband Children-Siblings-Grandchildren Widow-Mother-Grandmother

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