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Introducing Gerard Hopkins Date:

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1 Introducing Gerard Hopkins Date:

2 Introducing Gerard Hopkins Date:
What do you think is the relationship between poetry and religion?

3 Introducing Gerard Hopkins Date:
Gerard Manley Hopkins ( ) was an English Jesuit priest and is considered the father of the green movement. He believed that everything in the universe had a unique essence or energy from God and that it is our duty to protect it. He both celebrated and questioned his faith as he examined the world around him.

4 Introducing Gerard Hopkins Date:
Hopkins dove headfirst into everything he did one-hundred percent. When he decided to join the priesthood, he became a Jesuit which involves a “solemn vow of perpetual chastity, poverty and obedience”. As such, he never sought fame, money or even to publish his works. Your task now is to imagine that kind of life. Write a small paragraph of what you would do if money, women, power, fame and other selfish things were not your motivation.

5 Introducing Gerard Hopkins Date:
 Hopkins viewed everything in nature as part of God’s glory and tries to capture it’s beauty in his poetry. He also hoped to inspire or encourage people as he saw isolation and despair to be linked. If people were close to nature, they would be close to God and therefore be happy.

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