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Psalm 14 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 14 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 14 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)
1. The fool is say-ing in his heart, “There sure-ly is no God.” Text: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 14A Music: Thou Art the Way, James Walch & L.O. Sanderson Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 Psalm 14 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)
They are cor – rupt, their deeds are vile, Not one of them does good.

3 Psalm 14 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)
2. The Lord up-on the sons of men from heav-en looks a-broad

4 Psalm 14 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)
To see if an - y un - der - stands, if an-y seeks for God.

5 Psalm 14 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)
3. They all have wan-dered far a-stray; they all to vile-ness run.

6 Psalm 14 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)
And there is no man do - ing good, no, not a sin - gle one.

7 Psalm 14 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)
4. These work-ers all of wick - ed - ness, do they not know at all,

8 Psalm 14 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)
Who eat my peo - ple as their bread, and on God do not call?

9 Psalm 14 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)
5. There are they filled with dread in-side; for God is with the just;

10 Psalm 14 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)
You’d shame the coun-sel of the poor; Je - ho - vah is his trust.

11 Psalm 14 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)
6. From out of Zi-on who will save and help to Isr’el bring?

12 Psalm 14 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)
The Lord re-turns his cap - tive folk; for this let Isr’el sing.

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