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Young peoples’ poetry in performance Poem: Acquainted with the Night

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1 Young peoples’ poetry in performance Poem: Acquainted with the Night
English 8 Thurs. 1 /5 Today: Young peoples’ poetry in performance Poem: Acquainted with the Night Mechanics - Adjectives Find your dodecahedron BINDER CHECK THURS 15 POINTS

2 This is a performed poem at a poetry slam.
This is a performed poem at a poetry slam. The writers are performing their own original work. These poets are youth of color, but poetry slams are popular today for all classes and colors of American youth. Poetry “slams” are competitive poetry events. They are popular. They are held all over America. The spoken word pieces - the poems - are often characterized by personal voice, truth-telling, authenticity. The “slams” are usually organized by youth - HS and MS students. They can be pretty fierce: sexy, political, emotional.

3 Responsive Writing: performance poetry - 20 points - due at the end of the period
Name ____________ Per _____ Date: _____________ Q: List 5 details about what you see or hear: ________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Q: The piece sets up a conflict. What is it? __________________________________________________________________________ Q: How is the conflict resolved? ____________________________________________________________________________ Q: Make two short lists. One, list three similarities between you and your experiences, and the poets’ characters in their poem. Two, list three differences between you and your experiences, and the poets’ characters in their poem. Similarities: Differences: ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Q: Why would poetry slams be popular? __________________________________________________________________ Q: Would you like to see more of this kind of poetry? __________ Why? _____________________________________________

4 Front Jordyn Ellableu Jordan Brianna Tanner Kayla Leah Jessi Mason Ben
Kevin Izabella Harli Logan

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