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A model for analyzing arguments

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1 A model for analyzing arguments
Claim, Data, Warrant A model for analyzing arguments

2 Claim Definition: A claim states the position that will be defended in the essay. What is your claim? War is noble. or War is horrifying.

3 Data Definition:: Data is the evidence the writer cites that supports his or her claim. Data can take the form of: Quotes References Statistics What 3 pieces of evidence from the novel War and Peace, support our claim that war is either noble or horrifying?

4 Warrant Definition: The warrant shows how the data supports your claim or explains why the data proves your claim. In trials, for example, opposing lawyers often agree on the data but dispute the warrants. They would argue that the set of data presented proves their point rather than the opposing side’s point. Go back to your data. Make sure you can connect each piece of evidence/data to your position (claim).

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