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The generic applications

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1 The generic applications
All the others! Need of an attractive and orderly integration process: Peer review process scientific interest of the proposed work, with particular emphasis on the grid added-value, coordination of the corresponding community, grid-awareness of this community minimum requirement that a small team followed the EGEE training), dedication of the community to this application, agreement to the various EGEE policies and especially the security and resources allocation policies. Technical involvment Allocate workforce for a given time period Ressource allocation policy Initial period: free lunch, then roughly-diagonal model Succesfull kick_off meeting on Dec 18 in Paris

2 NA4 organization LCG EGEE PEB NA4 Application Working group Test team
R. Météry Eric Fede HEP F. Harris M. Lamanna Biomed J. Montagnat C. Blanchet Generic R. Barbera ARDA Other HEP Russia, Korea, Cz Biomed technical team Generic technical team Presentation of NA4

3 Composition EGAAP Personnalités extérieures Membres d’EGEE
Brigitte Plateau Wofgang Hiller Ladislas Hluchy Francesco Beltrame Membres d’EGEE Malcolm Atkinson Vicente Hernandez GW Membres ex-officio Vincent Breton Roberto Barbera Christian Saguez Bob Jones Fabrizio Gagliardi

4 Première réunion EGAAP le 14 Juin au CERN
Monday 14 June 2004  10:30 Introduction (15')    Guy Wormser  10:45 EGEE Overview (30')    Fabrizio Gagliardi  11:15 EGEE Application sector (30')    Vincent Breton  11:40 The generic applications: strategy, organization, tools and manpower (40')    Roberto Barbera  12:10 Panel discussion (20')   14:00 Proposals discussion (30' +15' each) (2h00')   16:00 Closed session (1h00')

5 Liste des propositions reçues
Antonio Lagana : Chimie computationnelle Harald Kornmayer: MAGIC Monique Petitdidier : Observation de la Terre Clemens-August Thole SIMDAT +expression d’interet pour la prochaine fois: PLANCK (Fabio Pasian)

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