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FLIPPED CLASSROOM on Discrete time signal processing - II

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1 FLIPPED CLASSROOM on Discrete time signal processing - II
Dr. Sunil Karamchandani Ashish Khodwe RC 1016_001 IDP in Educational Technology – IIT Bombay

2 Sunil Karamchandani RC 1016_001 Ashish Khodwe
Characteristics of Discrete Time Systems Digital Signal Processing EXTC Third Year UG Students in EXTC DJSCE, University of Mumbai IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

3 Out-of-class Activity Design -1
Learning Objective(s) of Out-of-Class Activity: At the end of watching the videos student should be able to, Describe a discrete time system in terms of its impulse response Identify the characteristics of Discrete time systems such as time invariance and linearity. Interpret causality in discrete time signals. Key Concept(s) to be covered: Time Invariance Linearity Causal Systems IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

4 Out-of-class Activity Design - 2
Uploaded Video URL     License of Video Creative-Commons License CONCEPT VIDEO SEGMENT DURATION (min) Discrete Time System V – 1.10 1 Time Invariance of a discrete time system V – 2.55 1. 42 Linearity property of a discrete time signal V3- 3 – 7 4 Causality of a discrete time system V – 9.03 1.53 Creative-Commons License Duration of Screencast 9 m 12s IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

5 Out-of-class Activity Design - 3
Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected duration (in min) Additional Instructions (if any) Time Invariance Q1. Examine the following systems y(n) with respect to time invariance with proper working Cos [x(n)] x(-n+2) (c) x(2n) (a) 2 min (b) 2 min (c) 2 min To be attempted after video v2. Linearity Q2. Examine the following systems y(n) with respect to linearity with proper working x(n) + n x(n+1) x(-n) (c) sign[x(n)] (d) x(n) + 3x(n+4) 2 min To be attempted after video v3. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

6 Out-of-class Activity Design - 3
Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected duration (in min) Additional Instructions (if any) Causality Q3. Examine the following systems y(n) with respect to causality with proper working ex(n) a x(n) (c) x(n) – x(n-1) (d) x(n2) (a) 2 min (b) 2 min 2min 2 min To be attempted after video v4 Discrete time system Q3. Explain a discrete time system with respect to its characteristics of shift invariance, linearity and causality. 8 min At the end of the screencast Expected activity duration 30 min IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

7 In-Class Activity Design
This section helps you design the in-class segment of Flipped Classroom Strategy IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

8 In-class Activity Design -1
Learning Objective(s) of In-Class Activity: Students will be able to Estimate the response of a discrete time system as a convolution operation. Interpretation of a discrete time signal as summation of impulse responses. Justify the role of Linear Time Invariant systems for discrete time signal processing. Key Concept(s) to be covered: Linear Convolution Signal Decomposition Linear Time Invariant Systems IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

9 In-class Activity Design -2
Active Learning activities Peer Instruction Phase: Tutor would present a Screencast to understand the concept of convolution which represents the response/output of linear time invariant discrete time system. Think-Pair-Share Phase: Students will be shown a short screencast on discrete time signals. The students will be required to recall the concept of shift and fold of a signal. The tutor will pose a problem to the students after the viewing of the screencast. The pair phase involves the application of the convolution procedure to a discrete time input. The tutor assists the students to recuperate the characteristics of discrete time systems. The pair phase will be a discussion on the procedure followed by each pair for implementing the convolution formulae. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

10 In-Class Activity Design- 2
Deliverables Instructor: Prepare a screencast and to front a problem denoting the significance of convolution. Student: Perform the operation of convolution to obtain y(n) the response of the system with an impulse response h(n) and an input x(n). Facilitate higher level cognitive actions as a Think – Pair- Share activity The students will be able to (understand) the reason why convolution is required to obtain the output of linear time invariant discrete time systems (apply and evaluate). Total Activity Duration : 27 min IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

11 In-class Activity Design -2(a)
Active Learning activities Peer Instruction Phase: Students will be shown a short screencast on response of discrete time systems which will enable them to interpret the concept of linear convolution to obtain the response of linear time invariant discrete time system. Uploaded Video URL License of Video Creative-Commons License IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

12 In-class Activity Design – 2(a)
Uploaded Video URL License of Video Creative-Commons License CONCEPT VIDEO SEGMENT DURATION (min) System Response of a Discrete Time Signal V – 2.30 1.37 Decomposition of a Discrete Time Signal V2 – 2.31 – 4.18 1.13 Linear Time Invariant Systems V – 7.12 2. 52 Response of a discrete time signal as a convolution operation V4 – 7.14 – 8.37 1.23 Creative-Commons License Duration of Screencast 8 m 38s IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

13 In-Class Activity Design- 2(b)
Think Phase Role of the instructor: Front a problem on linear convolution Compute the convolution of the following signal. Also show that summation of y(n) is equal to the product of the summations of x(n) and h(n). x (n) = {1,2,4} and h(n) = {1,1,1,1,1} Role of student: Reminisce the signal properties of shift and fold of a signal which will aid in the convolution operation. Relate these properties to interpret the convolution formula Deliverables: The student can now interpret the convolution formula analytically and apply it to calculate the system response. (Analyze and Interpret) Time Duration - 3 min. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

14 In-Class Activity Design- 2(c)
Pair Phase Role of the instructor: Assure active participation of each student in every pair to decipher the posed question in the Think Phase. Role of student: within the groups the students will jot down the steps to be performed for the convolution operation. (fold, shift, multiply and add ) in that order. Estimate the output y(0), y(1), ……y(n) after each shift. Deliverables: Learning objectives of Apply and Evaluate. Time Duration - 7 min. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

15 In-Class Activity Design- 2(d)
Share Phase Role of the instructor: Tutor will move across the classroom to the individual groups and ask students to share their procedure thy have followed. At the end of the tour he asks each group leader to mention the individual steps which he writs down on the board. Role of student: Share their solutions and fine-tune them if any inconsistencies arise from given solution. Observe and follow the review comments of the instructor. Deliverables: Relate and authenticate the solutions of the students (verify). Time Duration - 9 min. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

16 In-Class Activity Design- 3
End of class summary, conclusion and lee way Think Pair Share is then followed by a rapid recap of the necessary formulae required. The instructor concludes that sampling of continuous time signal is an important prerequisite to understand the use of discrete time signals in discrete time systems. The manipulation of these signals aid in the understanding of time invariance, linearity and causality of discrete time signals. The instructor proposes an extension of signals to discrete time systems which would be discussed in the next lecture. Activity Duration: 19 min. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

17 In-Class Activity Design – 4
The trio of think-pair-share as a cumulative repository aids in the understanding the response of linear time invariant systems. TPS serves as a platform of active learning strategy for discrete time sampling of as it allows the students to analyze, assess and apply. The students would participate in interpretation and validation of the convolution procedure. Review: The instructor at the end of share phase gets sufficient feedback whether the in-class activity has succeeded in justifying the taxonomy of analyze, interpret assess and apply. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

18 In-class Activity Design - 5
Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected duration (in min) Additional Instructions (if any) Convolution operation Q1. Consider the following operations Multiply the integers 131 and 122 Compute the convolution of the signals {1,3,1} and {1,2,2}. Comment on your results Q1. 9 min. 2 min. 4 min. 3 min Submit these to the tutor at the beginning of the next lecture Tabular Convolution Q2. Compute the convolution of the signals using the tabular method. Q2. 6 min. Activity Duration: 15 min. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

19 END OF CONSTRUCTOR IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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