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4th Nine Weeks Review.

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1 4th Nine Weeks Review

2 What are the Major Religions in the Middle East?
Christianity Islam Judaism

3 2. What do the letters in WORD represent?
War Oil Religion Desert

4 3. Why are the religions fighting for Jerusalem?
Each religion believes that it is their holy or sacred city.

5 4. Which 3 major countries of Asia have unlimited governments?
North Korea China Vietnam

6 restricted technology poor quality of life
5. Give an example of something that occurs in an unlimited government. Forced jobs No schools Food shortages One child families restricted technology poor quality of life

7 6. What is the most valuable resource of SW Asia?
Black Gold Petroleum

8 7. What is the difference between a command and free market economy?
Free market has private businesses, job choice, supply and demand Command has the government chose jobs and pay, controls production and pricing of goods

9 8. Which 3 countries in Asia have a command economy?
North Korea China Vietnam

10 9. Why would shipping be a good industry for Australia or Japan?
It is an archipelago or an island and has easy access to waterways.

11 10. Which religion follows these books?
Torah - Judaism Quran - Islam Bible - Christianity

12 11. If you can own your own business, what type of economy is this?
Free market economy (Free enterprise)

13 12. What type of government would free market economy belong to?
Limited Government

14 13. Why did Europeans take Africans to the Americas?
To use as slaves on farming plantations

15 14. What are the disadvantages of living near a river?
Flooding, monsoons, mosquitoes (malaria)

16 15. Why is the silt of the Nile River valuable?
Flood waters deposit very fertile soil.

17 16. What canal separates Africa and Asia?
Suez Canal

18 17. Why is the Suez Canal Important?
It makes shipping (distance) faster/shorter. It connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.

19 18. What 2 types of farming are found in Africa.
Subsistence farming for food Cash crops for money

20 19. What is the largest mountain range in Asia?
Himalaya Mountains

21 20. How were the Himalaya Mountains formed?
Indo Australian plate collided with the Eurasian Plate.

22 responsibility placed on mother and family CRAM schools
21. Describe the education beliefs of some Asian countries like China, Vietnam, and Japan. Strict responsibility placed on mother and family CRAM schools Long hours at school

23 22. Which country at one time controlled India?
Great Britain

24 23. Who are the untouchables?
The lowest group in the caste system. People who are considered dirty and treated as animals.

25 24. What is happening to the land in Africa?
Turning into desert - Desertification Cutting down trees - Deforestation

26 25. What are Africa’s 3 Big Problems?
Conflict - civil wars Medical Issues - Aids disease Drought and famine High populations + no arable land =starvation

27 26. What is the difference between consume and produce?
Consume means to use Produce means to make

28 27. Who is Nelson Mandela and what did he do?
First black president of South Africa and he helped to end Apartheid.

29 28. Who wanted the resources of Africa and why?
Europe wanted the resources of Africa to make money.

30 29. How was the Great Rift Valley formed?
Separation of tectonic plates.

31 30. Why is western Australia not a good place for people to live?
The OUTBACK is a desert and does not receive a lot of rain.

32 Location Physical Feature Continent Victoria Falls
Nicknamed - Smoke that Thunders Africa Gobi Desert Asia Siberia Plateau

33 Location Physical Feature Continent Mt. Everest - Tallest Mountain
Asia Huang He River, Yangtze River, Ganges River Asia’s Major Rivers

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