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Sunday / July 18, 2010 Cong-Mengh Waac 19:18 Proverbs 19:18

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1 Sunday / July 18, 2010 Cong-Mengh Waac 19:18 Proverbs 19:18
Yuoqc – Dingc Zuiz & Bun Zingh Nyeic Motivation – Punishments & Rewards Cong-Mengh Waac 19:18 Proverbs 19:18 Sunday / July 18, 2010

2 18 Dongh maaih lamh hnamv nyei ziangh hoc oix zuqc mborqv njaaux meih nyei fu'jueiv. Maiv dungx dingc sueih ninh zuqc mietc. 18 Discipline your son, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to his death.

3 Biux Mengh Waac Introduction
Mborqv njaaux fu’jueiv nyei jauv se benx Ging-Sou njaaux nyei waac. Mv baac maaih dauh Psychologist, ninh nyei mbuox heuc Linda Budd, ninh gorngv, se gorngv meih mbaix meih nyei gu’nguaaz nor, meih horpc zuqc gorngv, “Tov zuiz. Weic zuqc naaic se meih ganh zoux dorngc nyei sic.” Discipline and or punishment is taught in the Bible. But Psychologist Linda Budd says, if your spank your child, you should, “Apologize. Own up to your mistake.”

4 I. Haaix zanc mbuo When can we teach children? cingx daaih hah njaaux
duqv fu’jueiv? When can we teach children?

5 Discipline your son, for in that there is hope (v.18a).
1. Hatc njaaux meih nyei dorn, dongh corc maaih lamh hnamv nyei ziangh hoc (18. ya) Discipline your son, for in that there is hope (v.18a).

6 2. Maiv dungx dingh sueih ninh zuqc mietc (18.yb).
Do not be a willing party to his death (18.b).

7 II. Mborv Njaaux Fu’ueiv Nyei Jauv
1. Congh Mengh Waac 13:24 “Haaix dauh nyienz jienv maiv longc biaav mborqv njaaux, wuov dauh maiv hnamv ninh nyei dorn, mv baac haaix dauh hnamv dorn se jienh mborqv njaaux.” Proverbs 13:24 “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.”

8 2. Hatc njaaux fu’jueiv nyei jauv se weic hnamv fu’jueiv, weic zuqc maiv oix bun fu’jueiv hlo daaih benx mienh waaic mienh. Weic zuqc fu’jueiv ziangh ziouc qiemx zuqc njaaux nyei jauv. Discipline children for love, because we don’t want them grow up as a bad person. Because by nature, children need to be taught.

9 2. “Haaix dauh nyienz jienv maiv longc biaav mborqv njaaux, wuov dauh maiv hnamv ninh nyei dorn” (24.ya). Ei jienv naaiv yiemc Ging-Sou nyei waac nor, mbuo dongh maiv hatc njaaux fu’jueiv nyei mienh se weih maiv zien-zien nyei hnamv mbuo nyei fu’jueiv . “He who spares the rod hates his son, (v. 24a). According to this verse, for those of us do not discipline children, not truly love children.

10 3 “mv baac haaix dauh hnamv dorn se jienh mborqv njaaux” (24. yb)
3 “mv baac haaix dauh hnamv dorn se jienh mborqv njaaux” (24.yb). Hnamv fu’jueiv nyei mienh zanc-zanc oix longc hnyouv nyei hatc njaaux fu’jueiv, buatc fu’jueiv zoux daaih m’zuqc fai zoux maiv horpc nyei jauv. , but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.”(v.24b). For those who love children, when they see children not do right, they constenly

11 Cong-Mengh Waac 20:20 “Se gorngv mienh zioux ninh nyei diex maac, ninh ziouc daic hnangv dang yiem hmuangx nyei dorngx daic nor.” Proverbs 20:20 If a man curses his father or mother, his lamp will be snuffed out in pitch darkness.








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