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Amazing Koalas By:Maylia Silva May, 7 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Amazing Koalas By:Maylia Silva May, 7 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amazing Koalas By:Maylia Silva May,

2 Koalas have weird Behaviors.
Zoo keepers can tell you that koalas are very mean. When a koala isn’t eating, it’s usually sleeping in a tree. Koalas are very dangerous and not nice at all.

3 Koalas’ appearance is so cute!
The Koalas are warm a lot because they have thick fur. Koalas may look soft and cuddly, but they have lots of muscle. A fully grown Koala is usually three feet or two feet long.

4 There are different types of Koalas
The Victoria Koala lives in one of the coldest parts of Australia .Victoria Koalas are the largest of all Koalas. New South Wales Koala was first type of Koala to be found. Queensland Koalas live in cooler parts of Australia.

5 What do Koalas eat and drink.
Koalas eat eucalyptus leaves They drink water from ponds , and rivers. Koalas can survive on a diet of eucalyptus leaves.

6 Baby Koalas Baby Koalas are called Joeys.
A Koala isn’t a bear , although it looks like a teddy bear. The joey first leaves its mother pouch at 7 months old.

7 Marsupials Other marsupials are the Red Kangaroos, Cuscus, and the Tiger Cat. Red Kangaroos can be found in Australia. Cuscus can be found in Australia and Tiger Cats too.

8 Bibliography Wexo, John,B.Koalas. Mankota:Creative Education,1989.Print.

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