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Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages (February 2013)

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1 Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 15-21 (February 2013)
Angiopoietins as promising biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets in brain injury  Prashant Chittiboina, Vijay Ganta, Christopher P. Monceaux, L. Keith Scott, Anil Nanda, J. Steven Alexander  Pathophysiology  Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages (February 2013) DOI: /j.pathophys Copyright © Terms and Conditions

2 Fig. 1 Ang-1 and Ang-2 binding interactions with the Tie-2 receptor and the downstream effects of this signaling module on inflammation. Ang-1 is constitutively produced by pericytes and can be induced in several perivascular cell types. Ang-2 is released from Weibel-Palade bodies in response to hypoxia or inflammatory stimuli where it competes with Ang-1 for binding of the Tie-2 receptor. Tight and adherens junctional integrity are maintained by Ang-1 and is disturbed by Ang-2 leading to a Rho kinase mediated intercellular gap formation and vascular leakage. Tie-2 modulates survival via PI3 kinase/ Akt activation interacting with VEGF receptor signaling. Ang-2 leads to induction of ICAM-1 (I), VCAM-1 (V) and E-selectin (E) which supports leukocyte recruitment. Tie-2 also regulates eNOS activity which modulates vasomotor tone. Pathophysiology  , 15-21DOI: ( /j.pathophys ) Copyright © Terms and Conditions

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