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Geography Day 10.

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1 Geography Day 10

2 Starter What has been your favorite activity or lesson so far?
What has been your least favorite activity or lesson so far?

3 Starter Check Days that you are gone you need to write “ABSENT”
You need to either go online and look over my PowerPoints for the starter, or just take a loss in point

4 Starter Check Day Date Topic 1 22
(Geography questions) What did you learn from first day? 2 24 Goals 3 29 Mental-mapping drive to school 4 31 Positive/negative impact of maps 5 Sharing a map on FB 6 Preview: What are fossil fuels? 7 Review: What are fossil fuels? 8 12 Positive/Negative effects of fossil fuels 9 14 How do you study? 10 15 Favorite/Least Favorite activity

5 Formal region Also called “uniform region” United in 1 or more traits:
Physical geography Cultural Economic Utah can be a formal region by any of these traits, how so?

6 Perceptual There could be something formally binding everything together, but ultimately, it is just how we perceive a region to be (Mental maps!)

7 Activity: Name that region
Look at the pictures that I have in my room (should be 16 total) What region of the world are they in? Are any of them in the same formal region? (Physical geography, Cultural, Economic)

8 Gallery Walk Look at the pictures that I have in my room (should be 16 total) What region of the world are they in? When you finish, sit down and answer this question: Are any of them in the same formal region? (Physical geography, Cultural, Economic)


10 Perceptual There could be something formally binding everything together, but ultimately, it is just how we perceive a region to be (Mental maps!)

11 What is the “Middle East”?



14 What is the “Middle East”?
How do you characterize this region? What is the similar trait(s) shared by the countries you included in this region?









23 Region Mapping Part 2 With a partner:
Circle/label/identify the regions of the world (how many are there, what would you refer to them as?)




27 Regionalism – Language and Accents
(3:47) World Accents (To 5:10) Tour of American Accents (2:01) How German Sounds 1 (1:56) How German Sounds 2

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