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e+e−→ open charm via ISR X(4160) in J/ recoil
Galina Pakhlova ITEP for the Belle Collaboration Quarkonium Working Group, October 20, 2007
Experiment Belle “An unexpected bonus from the B-factory experiments has been the discovery of a large number of charmonium-like meson states…” 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
e+e− open charm final states
R-study around open charm threshold
PDG 2006 e+e- machines at s ~(3.7 -5) GeV inclusive e+e- hadrons cross-section complicated structure model and fit dependent description For years no exclusive studies e+e- specific final states Last years new interest both in experiment and theory A lot of new data!!! 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
Exclusive e+e−D(*)D* cross-sections via ISR
s=(Ecm-E)2-p2 D reconstructed not reconstructed but constrained Method ISR at B-factories comparable with energy scan (CLEOc, BES) Hard ISR photon takes away significant fraction of energy Continuous ISR spectrum: access to whole s interval em suppression, but ~ 700/fb at Belle vs ~ 60/pb CLEO-c The first measurement Belle: D*+D*-, D+ D*- with partial reconstruction increase eff ~ 10 − 20 times 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
e+e-D(*)D* with partial reconstruction
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) D*+D*- D+ D*- Mrec(D*+ISR) Mrec(D+ISR) ΔMrec Full reconstruction D(*) ISR wide peak in Mrec(D(*)ISR) at M D* contribution from e+e-D(*)D* (n)πγ Full reconstruction D(*) ISR + slow from unreconstructed D* wide peak in Mrec(D(*)-ISR) at MD Use recoil mass difference ΔMrec = Mrec(D(*)ISR) - Mrec(D(*)ISR) narrow peak at (MD* - MD) cancellation of momentum smearing Tight ΔMrec cut small background Use kinematical constraint Mrecoil(D(*) ISR) MD* to improve resolution MD* MD* with ΔMrec cut RMD~1 MeV 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
Exclusive e+e–D(*)D* cross-sections
550/fb (4040) (4415) Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) (4160) Y(4260) DD* D*D* PRELIMINARY (4160) Y(4260) (4040) CHARM 2007 Charged D(*)D* ½ from CLEOc Systematic errors ≈ statistical errors Submitted to Durham database Y(4260) signal DD* : hint, but not significant D*D* : clear dip (similar to inclusive R) 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
e+e− DD at s~3.7−5 GeV via ISR
NEW D0D0 or D+D– (full reconstruction) no extra tracks 670 fb-1 Combinatorial bgs are estimated from D s/b Other bgs are small and taken into account D+D– D0D0 detection of ISR is not required if ISR is detected M(DD ISR) is required ~ Ecm ISR is not detected Consistent with ISR production DD ISR is detected 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
Mass spectra of DD Belle&BaBar are in a qualitative agreement
arXiv: (4160) (3770) (4040) (4415) Y(4260) 670 fb-1 arXiv: (4415) (4160) (4040) Y(4260) 384 fb-1 no signal Y(4260)DD Belle&BaBar are in a qualitative agreement 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
(e+e– DD) DD Charm 2007 D*D* DD* Broad structure around 3.9 GeV
(4040) (4160) (4415) 670 fb-1 (3770) (e+e– DD) (4040) (4160) DD PRELIMINARY Charm 2007 D*D* DD* Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) Broad structure around 3.9 GeV is in qualitative agreement ?? with coupled-channel model Phys. Rev. D21, 203 (1980) Cross section above 4 GeV has a similar shape to this measured for ee D*D* ? σ(ee D+D−)/σ(ee D0D0) = 0.720.160.06 at MDD≈M(3770) is consistent with BES/CLEOc 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
e+e− D0D–+ at s ~ 4−5 GeV via ISR
NEW e+e− D0D–+ at s ~ 4−5 GeV via ISR Consistent with ISR production 670 fb-1 D0 D− + full reconstruction no extra tracks similar analysis and bgs no major bgs except for combinatorial Clear (4415)DD signal 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
Resonant structure in (4415)DD
M(D0+) vs M(D-+) from (4415) region Clear D*2(2460) signals Positive interference Non D*2(2460) contribution is not seen DD non DD*2(2460) DD*2(2460) ~10σ 670 fb-1 arXiv: , submitted to PRL M = 4411± 7 MeV tot =77±20 MeV Nev= 109± 25 Consistent with BES, hep-ex/ , PDG06, Barnes Phys. Rev. D72, (2005) σ(e+e-(4415))×Br((4415)DD*2(2460))×Br(D*2(2460) D)=(0.74±0.17±0.07)nb Br((4415) D(D)non D2(2460))/Br((4415) DD*2(2460))<0.22 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
Contributions to the inclusive cross-section at 3.7-5GeV
D*D* DD* Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) DD NEW arXiv: submitted to PRD(RC) 2 + + DDπ NEW arXiv: , submitted to PRL = 2 uds-continuum Anything else? These 4 final states almost saturate inclusive cross section 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
New state in double charmonium production
New study of e+e− J/ D(*)D(*)
693fb-1 D* D*π D arXiv: All signals are > 5 The method is pioneered by Belle Reconstruct J/ and one of two D (or D*) Unreconstructed D(*) is seen as a peak Mrecoil (J/ D(*)) D and D* recoiling against reconstructed J/ D(*) are well separated (~2.5) Simultaneous fit to D-signal and D-sidebands to fix bg Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
e+e–J/DD D D 3.8 Tag unreconstructed D:
|Mrecoil (J/ D) - M D | < 70MeV Refit Mrecoil (J/ D) M D : improve M DD by ~10 Broad peak at MDD is not consistent with non resonant DD production in the process e+e− J/ DD large fitting systematic error in the parameters of this enhancement 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
D*-reconstructed D-tag
e+e– J/DD* and D*D D* X(3940) D reconstructed D*tag 6.0 ee J/ DD reflection M = ±6 MeV tot = ±12 MeV Nev= ±11 +7 -6 +26 - 15 +24 - 16 D D*-reconstructed D-tag X(3940) cross check 3.8 X(3940)DD* confirmed with new data M and are in agreement with published results. 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
D*reconstructed D*tag
e+e− J/ D*D* D* Broad clear peak at threshold New state X(4160) ≠ ψ(4160) is observed in D*D* decay mode M=( 15)MeV/c2 =( 21)MeV +25 −20 +111 −61 5.5 X(4160) D*reconstructed D*tag One more particle to explain … JPС=0− + (hc (4S)) is not excluded 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
e+e− open charm D*D* DD* DD DD
complicated shape of cross section consistent with CLEO_c at MD*D* ( ) GeV clear dip at MD*D* ~ 4260GeV (similar to inclusive R) DD* broad peak at threshold (shifted relative to 4040 GeV) consistent with CLEO_c at MDD* ( ) GeV hint at MDD* ~ 4260GeV DD consistent with CLEO_c at MDD ( ) GeV σ(ee(3770)→DD) consistent with BES/CLEO_c broad enhancement ~ 3.9 GeV – coupled channel effect? above 4GeV similar shape as D*D* DD (4415) signal observed, dominated by (4415) DD**2 DD + DD + D*D + D*D* cross section is close to ee hadrons ( - ee uds continuum) 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
Double charmonium production
X(3940) is confirmed with a significance ~ 6.0 X(4160) NEW state observed for the first time ~ 5.5 23/02/2019 Galina Pakhlova
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