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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy!

2 Jeopardy! $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Geography Important Documents
People U.S. Constitution American Revolution Colonial Times $100 $200 $300 $400 $500


4 What was the main crop grown in Virginia?

5 Tobacco


7 What goods were sent to Africa from the colonies as part of the slave trade?

8 Rum and Iron


10 The demand for these items increased slavery in colonial America.

11 Sugar and Tobacco


13 These colonies relied on agriculture to bring in wealth.

14 The Southern


16 What three geographical features did the New England Colonies rely on for a successful economy?

17 Ocean, rivers, and forests


19 1776

20 Declaration of Independence


22 1787

23 U.S. Constitution


25 “The American colonies are hereby recognized by Britain as free and independent states and now have right to all land east of the Mississippi River.”

26 Treaty of Paris


28 Established a process for territories to apply for statehood.

29 Northwest Ordinance


31 The English document that limited the power of the king.

32 Magna Carta



35 Wrote the Declaration of Independence.

36 Thomas Jefferson

37 Led the American navy during the Revolution.

38 John Paul Jones

39 “I have in mind for that important command…a gentleman whose skill and experience as an officer….”

40 George Washington

41 Grievances were listed against this person in the Declaration of Independence.

42 King George III

43 Valued freedom and thought it was worth dying for.

44 Patrick Henry

45 A right that cannot be taken away without due process.

46 Unalienable right

47 Purpose of the amendment process.

48 Add, Eliminate, or Change Amendments

49 1)States had more power than the national government 2) National government could not tax 3) No executive branch 4) States coined their own money

50 Articles of Confederation

51 What are the two requirements of the amendment process?

52 Proposal and Ratification

53 Based on size (population)

54 House of Representatives

55 Name the first battles, the turning point battle, and the final battle of the American Revolution in order.

56 Lexington and Concord, Saratoga, and Yorktown

57 Benjamin Franklin convinced France to help the Patriots after this battle.

58 Saratoga

59 After the Revolution, what did the colonists do to insure the future protection of rights?

60 Listed them in the Bill of Rights

61 What was a major problem between the British government and the colonists after 1763?

62 Who would pay for the British soldiers.

63 This was signed and ended the American Revolution.

64 Treaty of Paris

65 First Representative Government in the colonies.

66 House of Burgesses

67 1607

68 Jamestown

69 Both the Mayflower Compact and Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were early colonial---

70 Plans for self-government

71 Allowed only one company to sell tea to the colonists.

72 Tea Act

73 People began to tolerate other’s religious beliefs.

74 Great Awakening

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