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Roots of Democracy: Wednesday, August 27th

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1 Roots of Democracy: Wednesday, August 27th
Announcements and Begin class: Back to School Night Tonight 6:00 Workshop at lunch Parent signatures DUE Owner’s Manual grades in this afternoon To do Highlight 100 Terms and Weekly Check Begin SAP: Crucible of Greece to continue for two days. Be Prepared: Weekly Check Tab World History Notes

2 World History Evidence: Classical Greece
Date Title Description of historical content Type of work 1) 8-25 Evidence: Classical Greece Note-taking skills, brainstorm what you know about Greece, evidence about Greek geography 2) The “Story” of Greece Use the website and a map of your choice (on Skitch) to tell the story of Greece 3) 8-26 Crucible of Greece SAP note-taking on movie (in class) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

3 World History Evidence: Classical Greece August 25th-September5th
Date Title Description of historical content Type of work 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

4 World History Academic Language: 100 Terms
Development of Democracy The United States government document which declares unalienable rights and freedom from the tyranny of Britain is the Declaration of Independence. The first ten amendments to the United States Constitution addressing individual rights is the Bill of Rights. Leaders in a formal religious body are clergy. Declaration of the Rights of Man was a French document that asserted the individual rights of male French property owners. A government where the supreme power is given by its citizens or elected officials who represent them is called a republic. Equality is being the same in value and status in society. The English Bill of Rights was written in 1689, and authorized by William and Mary, King and Queen of England, and was a document that limited the power of the monarch, and was a stepping stone in building democracy in England and abroad. Judicial Review is the review of a law to determine whether it is constitutional. The Magna Carta, written in 1215, is the “Great Charter” that acknowledged long-standing rights and responsibilities of the English nobility and limited the powers of the monarchy. A democracy is a government based on popular consent and popular representation. “A government for the people and by the people.” Three-branch government is a system where no one branch of government has too much power and there are checks and balances that keep the system running well. The US Constitution was originally a 7 article document outlining the supreme law of the land. The Age of Enlightenment is the era in which people used reason, scientific discovery, and intellect to create change in Western philosophy. Natural laws are those with which people are born; they are different from those granted by a government. Unalienable are rights that cannot be taken away by the government.

5 Academic Language Weekly Check- Personal Improvement Chart
Name: ___________ Period: ______ 2014 Academic Language Weekly Check- Personal Improvement Chart Each week, record your score on this chart. Use this chart to identify your personal improvement and set goals weekly. Seven 10’s in a row proves you know all 100 terms. Reward: Exempt from Weekly Checks and 100 Terms Mid-Term or Final. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Practice Practice Pg. 40

6 SAP: A Strategy for Developing DoK
Summarizer: List details from the content. Organize thoughts during discussion Adder of Thoughts: Make connections to things you already know, list similarities and differences Poser of Questions: Write questions about the content and the discussion with your group All 3 people should add details to notes during the discussion within your team

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