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Test will be on Tuesday, March 7th

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1 Test will be on Tuesday, March 7th
News From Rooms 310 & 313 February 27 – March 3, 2017 Marlow Elementary Specials Mon: PE* (P); Art (S) Tues: Tech (P); Music(S) Wed: PE* (P); PE*(S) Thurs: Art (P); Tech(S) Fri: Music (P); PE*(S) *Wear Tennis Shoes Notes Please continue to send in your box tops. You may send them in a Ziploc bag. Thank you! Don’t forget to get your yearbook! Right now they are $ After Feb. 28th, they are $25.00. Coin Drive for John Ashley Beam: The classes per grade level that donate the most money will enjoy a dress down day on designated Fridays.  Wish List: We could use some pencil cap erasers. Thanks! Miss Rebecca Stewart (S) Mrs. Melissa Phillips (P) Mrs. Jennafer Busbie Upcoming Events March 1: 4-H March 15: Last Day of the 3rd Nine Weeks March 16: Coin Drive for John Ashley Beam ends March 17: No School March 22: Report Cards March 22: Mrs. Phillips out ½ day March 24: PBIS PJ Day March 31: Spirit Day April 6: Spring Pictures April7: Easter Party April 10-18: Spring Break Math We will continue studying Geometry. We will focus on the following skills: Identifying and drawing lines of symmetry Properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons Area Homework Mon- 25 multiplication problems. Complete Mon. Tues – 25 multiplication problems. Complete Tues. Weds –25 multiplication problems. Complete Weds. Thurs - 25 multiplication problems. Complete Thurs. Test will be on Tuesday, March 7th Science We will continue our study of adaptations. Students will be working on their in class projects this week. Test will be March 8th English Language Arts This week we will practice the following skills: Opinion Writing Prepositional Phrase Relative Pronouns/Adverbs Idioms Progressive Verbs Revise/Edit Writing Our opinion writing test will take place this week. We will spend 30 minutes each day writing. Social Studies This week we will continue to learn how we became a new nation by focusing on the 3 Branches of Government & The Bill of Rights.

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