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19 – 3 Vocabulary/Identification

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Presentation on theme: "19 – 3 Vocabulary/Identification"— Presentation transcript:

1 19 – 3 Vocabulary/Identification
mass media Jazz beat movement rock ‘n’ roll Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

2 Chapter 19 – 3 Popular Culture

3 Television – The Birth of the Boob Tube Live and in Black & White
Shows included: I Love Lucy See It Now Play House 90 Leave it to Beaver Milton Berle Show

4 Television – The Birth of the Boob Tube Live and in Black & White
Comedy Idealized white American Western Frontier

5 Leave it to Beaver The ‘Beav’ goes to Court

6 Television – The Birth of the Boob Tube Live and in Black & White
Poverty Diversity Racial Discrimination Contemporary Conflicts

7 Radio Days Competed with TV by turning to local programming.
Began targeting specialized audiences. Children Teens

8 Radio Days Hundreds of stations focused on African – American performers. Created concerns with mainstream America Helped sell records Promoted concerts.

9 The Drifters

10 Film Introduced innovations like;
stereoscope sound and Cinema-Scope to capitalize on its advantages over TV. Fads like piped in smells and 3-D

11 The Beat Movement Famous writers included: Characteristics:
Allen Ginsberg Jack Kerouac Characteristics: Nonconformity Anti-materialism Interest in higher consciousness Shunning of structure in art and life.

12 Rock and Roll Credited for making it popular including: Alan Freed
Elvis Presley Chuck Berry Little Richard TV Radio

13 Rock and Roll Characteristics included: Heavy rhythm
Simple melodies and lyrics Focus on youth

14 Buddy Holly and the Crickets

15 Racial Gap African – American artists shows were broadcasted on separate radio stations. African – American stations grew to counter TV since most AA did not own them. By 1954, 250 stations played black music to mostly African – Americans.

16 Homework 19 – 3 Re-teaching/Skillbuilder Page 657 #’s 3,4,5

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