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Jamestown Colony 1607-1688.

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Presentation on theme: "Jamestown Colony 1607-1688."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamestown Colony

2 Virginia company of london
1606 Chartered Purpose: Set up profitable colony

3 Settling of Jamestown 1607 3 Ships 500 Men Capt. Edward Wingfield
Susan Constant, Discovery, Godspeed Captain Christopher Newport 500 Men Capt. Edward Wingfield


5 Early Problems No gold was found No one wanted to farm
“Starving Times” 440 of 500 die Lack of food Disease Poison?

6 John smith Soldier Colonists try to hang him on the way to Va.
Captured by Powhatans Saved by Pocahontas Takes control of Jamestown Forces colonists to farm Injured by gunpowder explosion, returns to England Lord De La Warr arrives

7 1st Anglo-Powhatan War 1610-1614 English attack Indians Irish Tactics
Pocahontas captured by English 1614 John Rolfe marries Pocahontas

8 John rolfe Arrives on Third Supply Fleet Brings Tobacco to colonies
Marries Pocahontas Makes Virginia profitable

9 House of burgesses 1619 1st Legislative body in Americas

10 Slavery 1619 1st slaves arrive in America



13 2nd Anglo-powhatan war 1620 Opchanacanough becomes Chief
1622 Jamestown Massacre 300 of 900 Colonists killed Peace Conference 250 Indians poisoned

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