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Argus: General Introduction

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1 Argus: General Introduction
Christoph Witzig, SWITCH

2 Outline Introduction Installation and Configuration
Command line interface Summary ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

3 Introduction Argus = gLite Authorization Service In EMI: Argus PT
Developed in EGEE-III Passed staged rollout in April 2010 In EMI: Argus PT Responsible for maintenance and support Institutions: CNAF, HIP, NIKHEF, SWITCH Argus = Attribute-based Authorization service Attributes = DN, CA, FQAN, …. Internal engine that determines whether a request containing a set of attributes shall be authorized or not Note abbreviation: authZ = authorization ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

4 Supported Use-Cases (1/2)
glExec on WN (multi-user pilot job) ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

5 Supported Use-Cases (2/2)
Global Banning list OSCT / EGI CSIRT operates a global banning list (for incidents) Argus can be configured to import this global banning list Note: Global banning is by default disabled Global banning (if activated) can be overruled by local admin gridFTP (GSI call out) CREAM (see next slide) Integration Argus – CREAM currently in development Other services are planned in EMI  single point for authorization decisions at a site ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

6 On the CE ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

7 Service Components Initial rules: Banning unbanning Pilot job Initial default deployment: All components on one host Administration Point: Formulating the rules through command line interface and/or file-based input Decision Point: Evaluating a request from a client based on the rules Enforcement Point: Thin client part and server part: all complexity in server part Runtime Execution Environment: Under which env. must I run? (UID, GID) ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

8 Installation and Configuration
Introduction Installation and Configuration Command line interface Summary ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

9 Installation YAIM Installation: Manual installation:
Installation and configuration of Argus on one host (default configuration) using YAIM Check out functionality using CLI Add policies Reconfigure glexec (resp. LCMAPS) on WN to call out to Argus Enable global banning list (if desired) Manual installation: Install three components (PAP, PDP, PEP daemon) Configure components Including administrator access configuration Check out functionality using CLI Reconfigure glexec ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

10 Configuring Administrator Access (1/2)
YAIM enables access for administrator YAIM Variable PAP_ADMIN_DN in site-info.def Listing ACLs of Argus: ~]$ pap-admin list-acl "/DC=ch/DC=switch/DC=slcs/O=Switch - Teleinformatikdienste fuer Lehre und Forschung/CN=Christoph Witzig 8CA3021D" : POLICY_READ_LOCAL|POLICY_READ_REMOTE|POLICY_WRITE|CONFIGURATION_READ|CONFIGURATION_WRITE Note: passphrase for private key will have to be entered Every command supports –h option ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

11 Configuring Administrator Access (2/2)
Adding a DN or FQAN to gain full access: 1. Add a DN: ~]$ pap-admin add-ace ‘/DC=ch/DC=switch/DC=slcs/O=Switch - Teleinformatikdienste fuer Lehre und Forschung/CN=Christoph Witzig 8CA3021D' 'ALL’ 2. Add an FQAN ~]$ pap-admin add-ace '/atlas/Role=VO-Admin’ 'ALL’ 3. Remove an FQAN ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

12 Configuring User Mapping
grid-mapfile and groupmapfile determines the user mapping to username and groupname(s) Same format as LCMAPS, same functionality Are configured through the mandatory YAIM variables USERS_CONF GROUPS_CONF Note: If manual configuration, then these directories and files have to be created manually ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

13 Monitoring Argus Nagios plug-ins are available ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

14 Command line interface
Outline Introduction Installation and Configuration Command line interface Summary ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

15 Argus CLI Argus is operated from the command line (YAIM installed)
Starting / stopping / query status of the service components Three components PAP, PDP, PEPd /etc/init.d/<component> <start><stop><status> Configure admin access rights Add/remove policies Policies either Added/removed from command line Import/export of file in simplified policy language Keep in mind: Initial use-case simply uses site global banning/unbanning of DNs, FQANs, VOs, CAs ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

16 Banning Users To ban a user on the entire site: pap-admin ban subject <dn> pap-admin ban fqan <fqan> To un-ban a user on the entire site: pap-admin un-ban subject <dn> pap-admin un-ban fqan <fqan> To ban a user on a specific resource: pap-admin ban -r resource_id –a action subject <dn> ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

17 Authorization Decisions (1/3)
Decisions are taken for a given resource and a given action: E.g. A WN has a resource id and the action may be “execute_pilot” Policies are formulated for Individual resource and action Groups of resources and groups of action All resources and all actions Examples: Site global enable/disable of a VO: For all resources and actions permit all users of a given VO Deny a user on all WNs for glexec For all WN resources and all actions deny user DN Permit VOs only on certain CEs For resource “CE_1” permit VO “ATLAS” For resource “CE_2” permit VO “CMS” ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

18 Authorization Decisions (2/3)
Simplified Policy Language (SPL) Allows to create more complex policies using a custom syntax Policies are loaded into Argus through CLI Example: ~]$ more test_policy.txt resource ".*" { obligation " { } action ".*" { rule permit {vo="atlas"} rule permit {vo="cms"} } pap-admin add-policies-from-file test_policy.txt ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

19 Authorization Decisions (2/3)
List policies: ~]$ pap-admin list-policies Please enter the passphrase for the private key file /home/witzig/.globus/userkey.pem: default (local): resource ".*" { obligation " { } action ".*" { rule permit { vo="atlas" } rule permit { vo="cms" } ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

20 Ordering of Policies Note: ordering matters: First applicable rule determines the result ~]$ pap-admin list-policies default (local): resource ".*" { obligation { } action ".*" { rule deny { subject="CN=Christoph Witzig 8CA3021D,O=Switch - Teleinformatikdienste fuer Lehre und Forschung,DC=slcs,DC=switch,DC=ch" } rule permit { vo="atlas" } rule permit { vo="cms" } } ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

21 Testing Argus Setup (1/2)
Configure glExec on WN to call-out to Argus Example test on WN: # pilot job proxy export X509_USER_PROXY=${X509_USER_PROXY:-"/tmp/x509up_`id -u`"} # payload job proxy export GLEXEC_CLIENT_CERT=${GLEXEC_CLIENT_CERT:-$X509_USER_PROXY} /opt/glite/sbin/glexec /usr/bin/id; echo $? uid=40205(testuseraccount) gid=2013(testusergroup) 0 ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

22 Testing Argus Setup (2/2)
A simple standalone client is also available: pepcli Needs to be installed separately – tool for testing/debugging only Policy: pap-admin ap --resource ".*" --action ".*" permit vo="switch” Test: pepcli -p -r my_res -a my_action \ -c /tmp/x509up_u cert .globus/usercert.pem \ --key .globus/userkey.pem Resource: my_res Decision: Permit Obligation: (caller should resolve POSIX account mapping) Username: dteam026 Group: dteam ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

23 Note Argus updates the policies in regular intervals and caches results for performance reasons Consequence: when modifying policies you must execute the following two commands to make sure they are valid immediately: # policy is effective immediately /etc/init.d/pdp reloadpolicy # clear cache /etc/init.d/pepd clearcache ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

24 Support Mailing list: Argus support unit in GGUS
Wiki: ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

25 Further Information About Argus: authZ service design document: Deployment plan: General EGEE grid security: Authorization study: gLite security: architecture: ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

26 Motivation for Argus Appendix Appendix
ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

27 Motivation: Which Problems Are We Trying to Solve?
Different Services use different authorization mechanisms Some services even use internally more than one authorization framework Site administrators do not have simple debugging tools to check and understand their authorization configuration Site administrators must configure the authorization for each service at their site separately Consequence 1: At a site, there is no single point to ban users/groups of users for the entire site Consequence 2: many site administrators don’t know how to ban users There should be a command line tool for banning and un-banning users at a site ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

28 Motivation: Which Problems Are We Trying to Solve?
There is no central grid-wide banning list to be used during incidents Consequence: Urgent ban cannot be taken for granted during incidents Sites cannot publish their complete authorization policy to the outside world Currently only assignment of FQANS (experience of DENY tags) Note: Fixing this problem does not mean that sites MUST publish their authorization policy No monitoring on authorization decisions ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

29 Motivation: Benefits of the Authorization Service (1/2)
Main benefit within EGEE-III: Addressing the above list of short-comings In addition: Resistance to failure and simple means for scaling the service Flexible deployment model No dependency on a shared file system High availability option Client component is very lightweight Small amount of code Few dependencies (especially on WN) Portability: support on other OS and languages easy ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

30 Motivation: Benefits of the Authorization Service (2/2)
In addition (cont.): Enables/eases various authorization tasks: Banning of users (VO, WMS, site, or grid wide) Composition of policies – CERN policy + experiment policy + CE policy + OCST policy + NGI policy=> Effective policy Support for authorization based on more detailed information about the job, action, and execution environment Support for authorization based on attributes other than FQAN Support for multiple credential formats (not just X.509) Support for multiple types of execution environments Virtual machines, workspaces, … Nagios plug-ins provided for monitoring of service ROD Workshop June 2, 2010, Amsterdam

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