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There is no state of conflict of interest requiring disclosure

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Presentation on theme: "There is no state of conflict of interest requiring disclosure"— Presentation transcript:

1 Disclosure of the state of conflict of interest as shown in the example in the slide below
There is no state of conflict of interest requiring disclosure Japan Pancreas Society (JPS) COI Disclosure   Name of Lead Presenter: ___________________  There are no companies, etc. in a relation of conflict of interest requiring disclosure in relation to the presentation.

2 There is a state of conflict of interest requiring disclosure
Japan Pancreas Society (JPS) COI Disclosure  Name of Lead Presenter: ___________________ Companies, etc. in a relation of conflict of interest requiring disclosure in relation to the presentation: 1. Advisor: PPP Pharmaceutical Industries (*Indicate "None" if not applicable.) 2. Stock ownership/capital gain: QQQ Pharmaceuticals 3. Patent royalties: RRR Pharmaceutical Industries 4. Honoraria: SSS Pharmaceuticals, TTT Pharma 5. Writing fees: UUU Pharmaceutical Industries 6. Grants for commissioned/joint research: VVV Pharmaceuticals 7. Scholarship grants: XXX Pharmaceuticals 8. Endowed chair: YYY Pharmaceuticals 9. Gifts or other forms of compensation: ZZZ Pharmaceutical Industries 10.Donation 〇〇 Pharmaceutical Industries    (*Indicate “None” if not applicable.)       

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