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Southampton Linked Open Data

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Presentation on theme: "Southampton Linked Open Data"— Presentation transcript:

1 Southampton Linked Open Data
Christopher Gutteridge iSolutions / Physical & Applied Sciences

2 "If HP knew what HP knows, we'd be three times more profitable."
Lew Platt

3 “ has a posse!”

4 Where else? Oxford Edinburgh Open University Bristol Lincoln

5 Where else? Oxford Edinburgh Open University Bristol Lincoln
Müenster, Germany

6 Where else? Oxford Edinburgh Open University Bristol Lincoln
Müenster, Germany Tsinghua, China

7 Allow the bearer to publish any non-confidential data in our realm without let or hindrance.

8 University of Southampton Linked Open Data Architect
(with backing from heads of iSolutions, Communications and Finance)

9 Transparency + Utility

10 How much did the University spend on Taxis in December 2011?

11 Where am I going?

12 Where am I going? How can I get there?

13 Where am I going? How can I get there? Where do I get coffee on the way?

14 Spreadsheets vs The Semantic Web

15 Spreadsheets for The Semantic Web

16 RDF direct from application
Excel (via ) Google Docs Triple Store Map (KML) Database Spreadsheet (CSV) RDF Document Web Page

17 Publishing a Dataset Download Data (from Spreadsheet or Database)
If it’s not changed, do nothing. Otherwise.. Convert it to RDF (chop it into individual facts) Publish as a Document at a Web Address Add to our public “triple store”

18 Datasets Buildings and Places Points of Service Menus and Prices
Publications Programmes & Modules Bus Stops & Routes Teaching Rooms & Facilities Payments over £500 No research data? …Not yet, that’s a different shape problem to organisational data!

19 Data Sources Buildings and Estates Transport Office Catering
Nuffield Theatre Student Helpers Finance Romanse (Bus Times) MUD BANNER Syllabus+ EPrints & EdShare UniStats

20 Crowd-Sourcing

21 Crowd-Sourcing

22 Colin-Sourcing




26 Where Next?

27 Where Next? Building energy use Research Facility Equipment
Recycling Data Live database Hookups to BANNER etc. Greener Transport Information Showers!

28 Where Next? Student Contest

29 Where next? Printers and Photocopiers
Pricelists for on-campus businesses (Stile, Bookshop etc.) Workstation Clusters & Installed Software University Structure! Teaching Room Availability

30 New Applications… Transport information Student Induction
Mobile Information

31 Where Next? Catalog of Research Data Repository of Research Datasets


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