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Cats Reaction to bird calls

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1 Cats Reaction to bird calls
Done on December 5th, 2014. Cats Reaction to bird calls By: Maureen Treynor Mr. Gorden’s 5th prd. class

2 Question How will two cats react to three bird calls?

3 Background The reason why I’m choosing this as my project because my cats are the most useless things on the planet. When we started the Science Fair, I thought I could use my cats. Also, I wanted a unique idea for the Science Fair. BIRD CALLS

4 Hypothesis If one of the bird calls bore the cats, then the Northern Cardinal will bore them the most.

5 Variables Bird calls- Change Cats- Constant
Big room (that can echo)- Constant Volume of the calls- Constant

6 Materials 2 cats A large room (that can echo) And bird calls
Flip Camera Ipod Touch

7 Procedure Find cat one and lock him into a large room Play call one
Observe and record data Play call two Play call three Repeat 1-7 for cat two

8 DATA Cats Call one reaction Call two reaction Call three reaction
Cat one Looked up, meowed. Was Interested Was Some what Interested. Bored Cat two Looked up. Bored. Didn’t pay attention...AT ALL!

9 Conclusion 1. The question was: How will two cats react to 3 bird calls? 2. My experiment was to test their reaction. Will foreign bird calls attract them more? Or will familiar ones attract them more? 3. One of the cats was some what interested of what was going on. The other cat, not so much. 4. No, My data did NOT support my hypothesis. I thought familiar bird calls would bore the cats. They did not. 5. I learned that my cats don’t really care for foreign bird calls. They rather go crazy to what they are used to. 6. Next time not use a kitten. Cat two didn’t really care about anything.

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