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Secular Versus Islamic

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1 Secular Versus Islamic
Zainul Abideen Secular Versus Islamic Interplay of Various Parameters A.S. Hashim

2 What kind of World? Physical: Spiritual:
Zainul Abideen What kind of World? Physical: Limited Temporary Spiritual: Unlimited Permanent Mixed as Physical and Spiritual

3 Development of the Self
Within a few months of birth Grows in family Grows further in school and community Sees differences in: Being Religious or Secular Behavior and Customs Family Status

4 To Pursue Depending on: a person can Pursue: his genetics and
Zainul Abideen To Pursue Depending on: his genetics and environmental Influence a person can Pursue: Secular Course Spiritual Course A Mixture of Partly Secular and Partly Spiritual of Variable Proportion

5 As a Consequence The Path Taken Can be an Incentive:
Zainul Abideen As a Consequence The Path Taken Can be an Incentive: to flourish and innovate But the Path Can be Negative: Harmful and Damaging, and Lead to Tyranny and Abuse of Power

6 Secular Identity Built on Self-Interest
Zainul Abideen Secular Identity Built on Self-Interest Motivation is Selfish Greedy Demands Can Lead to Power Overindulgence May Lead to Corruption Deals Indifferently with Various Faiths: Religion is a Dilemma, Treated Lightly Nationality Supersedes Other Identities Appointing People of Dubious Character

7 Islamic Identity Deals with Psychological Framework
Zainul Abideen Islamic Identity Deals with Psychological Framework Very Basic and Fundamental If it is Islamic: Belief Mandating Good Behavior Less Corruption Motivation is for Personal Integrity (العدل) Deals Tolerantly with Various Faiths: Secularism is a Dilemma, Discouraged Nationality Accepted Appointing People of Good Character

8 Before the Seventies Islamicly: Secular Powers: People: Marginalized
Zainul Abideen Before the Seventies Islamicly: Marginalized Moving Toward Secularism Secular Powers: Superceding Other Identities Alliances with Other Powers to Rule People: Murmuring in Discontent Scared to Express their Islamic Alienation

9 By the Seventies A Man of Remarkable Courage Spoke out
Zainul Abideen By the Seventies A Man of Remarkable Courage Spoke out Awakened the Dormant Islamic Identity Persisted in his Call for the Magnificent Change Suffered Personally and in his Family The Call Awakened the Religious Spirit in: His Country Regionally World-Wide

10 Focused on Islamic Identity
Zainul Abideen Focused on Islamic Identity Know your Islamic Affiliation: Shi’a or Sunni Educate yourself about your Conviction Focus on the Upcoming Generation Express yourself with Conviction and Vigor Talk with Confidence and with Pride

11 The Effect: Like a Volcano: Like a mountain:
Zainul Abideen The Effect: Like a Volcano: The Call Triumphed Over Secularism Established a Proud and Stable Administration Induced High Religious and National Pride Like a mountain: Resisted Local Attacks: The Press or Otherwise Undid War Against Islam Withstood World Press Attacks Moved Forward to Enhance the Country

12 Spillover Influence Locally: The Country of Origin
Regionally: Middle East World-Wide: Mainly the West Washington Area: Potomac Maryland

13 Statistics as of 1996: SHI’A ……………………………………… …..…….. 282 Millions
Zainul Abideen Statistics as of 1996: SHI’A ……………………………………… …..…… Millions SUNNI Hanafi …………….……………………...…………. 380 Millions Maaliki ………………………………………………. 305 Millions Shafi’i ……………………………………………… Millions Hanbali …………………………………… …….. 52 Millions

14 1. Local Influence Pride in Islam and Islamic Doctrine
Systematically Improving the Lot of Citizens Tolerated the Complaining Shi’a: Explosion of Islamic Information Shi’a are a Complaining People by Nature Shi’a are Crying-Happy People Shi’a are Self-Hitting and Chest Beating People

15 2. Middle-East Influence
Zainul Abideen 2. Middle-East Influence Coming back to Islam Attempts to better understand Islam Polarization of the Islamic versus the secular powers The Media of regional Areas bundle up Against him

16 3. Global Influence The World Responded Gradually
Awakening of the Deep Religious Feelings Extremes Could Show up, Understandable World Denies him his Due Worth The World Refuses to Acknowledge his Influence Politically: He Stood Unmovable Religiously: Steadfast and Resolute

17 4. Washington Area: Potomac
The IEC is initiated, registered, and incorporated IEC Bought the Property Mostazafan Foundation buys the IEC IEC grows steadily, nourished by the new Islamic Fervor Despite the Ups and Downs, IEC Continues to Grow Steadily

18 IEC holds on Heritage Ghadeer Khum Ashuraa
Ramadhan Du’aas (Supplications) Celebration of Birthdays of the Prophet and the 12 Imams Haj Services and Visitations of the Shrines Reading special Du’aas (Supplications) at different occasions.

19 IEC Remembers Al-Baaqir
Zainul Abideen IEC Remembers Al-Baaqir "By Allah our Shi'a is: he who obeys Allah, is pious, and upright. He obeys Allah, is pious, and upright. Our Shi'a are recognized for their modesty, humility, excessive worship, frequent offering of Salat, observance of fast, and they honor their parents. Our Shi'a care for neighbors, the disadvantaged, the needy, the indebted, and the orphans, Our Shi'a always speak the truth, recite the Holy Quran, hold their tongue against speaking ill of others, and Our Shi'a are trustworthy in all matters of social and spiritual relationship.  والله ما شيعتنا إلاّ من إتقى الله وأطاعه   وما كانوا يُعرَفون إلاّ بالتواضع والتخشع وأداء ألأمانة وكثرةِ ذِكر الله والصوم والصلاة والبرِّ بالوالدين وتعهُّد الجيران منَ الفقراء وذوي المَسْكنةِ والغارمين والأيتام وصِدق الحديث وتلاوة القرآن وكفِّ الألسن عن الناس إلا من خير

20 IEC and Cultural Identity
Zainul Abideen IEC and Cultural Identity Hold to your ways but be discerning Make effort to befriend people of your nationality Be friendly to Americans Explain your ways with pride to Americans Frequent and consistent visits to Islamic Centers

21 IEC and Nationalistic Identity
Zainul Abideen IEC and Nationalistic Identity Speak your language with parents Teach children Arabic as well as your own language Celebrate your usual national holidays Attend meetings catering to your national aspirations

22 IEC Recognizes opportunity in America
Zainul Abideen IEC Recognizes opportunity in America The US is your host country that gives you freedom of expression and work opportunity As its guest you ought to: respect the ways fit for the Americans, but keep your ways intact and sound Be innovative and aggressive in pursuit of your goals and aims

23 The Explosion of Influence
Zainul Abideen The Explosion of Influence Because of His: Vision Courage Tenacity Obstinacy Splendid Dedication Who is This Man?

24 Who is This Man? Saddam Hussein Imam Ali Imam Al-Husain Khumaini
Zainul Abideen Who is This Man? Saddam Hussein Imam Ali Imam Al-Husain Khumaini The Shah Haroon Al-Rasheed Khoe Sistani

25 Finally Let us Read Surah al-Asr Together

26 Thank you and may Allah Bless you
Zainul Abideen Thank you and may Allah Bless you Be in Allah’s Care Dr. A.S. Hashim

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