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Lesson 37 A & P Elbow, Wrist & Hand.

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1 Lesson 37 A & P Elbow, Wrist & Hand

2 Aims of the Session This session will allow candidates to have an understanding of the anatomy and assessment of the elbow, wrist and hand

3 Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson the candidate will be able to Classify and describe the articulations of the Elbow, Wrist & Hand joint including movements Be able to identify and palpate the bony prominences Identify and palpate the main muscles Name the ligaments of the Elbow joint

4 Bones of the Elbow, Wrist & Hand
What bones make up the Elbow, Wrist, Hand Elbow – Humerus & Ulna Wrist – Ulna, Radius & Carpals

5 Bones of the Elbow, Wrist & Hand
What bones make up the Elbow, Wrist, Hand Carpals

6 Bones of the Elbow, Wrist & Hand
What bones make up the Elbow, Wrist, Hand Elbow – Humerus & Ulna Wrist – Ulna, Radius & Carpals Carpals – Meta-carpals Phalanges Watch Video

7 Articulations of the Elbow, Wrist & Hand
What type of joint is the Elbow, Wrist, Hand Freely movable or synovial What type of classification is each of the joints located there Pivot between the Radius & Ulna Condyloid between the Radius, Ulna, Carpals Gliding between each Carpal bone Saddle between Trapezium/Metacarpal Gliding between Carpals, Metacarpals Condyloid between Metacarpals/Phalanges Hinge between Phalangeal joints Watch Video

8 Articulations of the Elbow & Wrist joint
What are the main movements at the Elbow & Wrist Elbow Flexion, Extension, Pronation & Supination at radio-ulna joint Wrist Palmar flexion, Dorsi flexion, Radial abduction & Ulnar abduction Hand/Fingers Flexion, extension, adduction & abduction Watch Video

9 Bony Prominences of the Arm/Hand
Medial Epicondyle Lateral Epicondyle Coronoid Process Radial Tuberosity Ulna Tuberosity Radial Styloid Process Ulna Styloid Process Scaphoid Trapezium Anterior view of left arm Watch Video

10 Main Ligaments of the Elbow joint
Ulna Collateral L – attaches Humerus & Ulna Radial Collateral L – attaches Humerus & Radius Annular Ligament – attaches the Radius & Ulna

11 Try and work out which muscles flex the elbow
Muscles which Flex the Elbow Student Task Try and work out which muscles flex the elbow

12 Elbow Joint Anterior Biceps Branchii Flexion, Abduction (LH),
Flexion, Adduction (SH) O-Supra-glenoid Tubercle O-Coracoid Process I-Radial Tuberosity I-Bicipital Aponeurosis Watch Video

13 Elbow Joint Anterior Brachialis Flexion
O-Distal 1/3 of anterior surface of humerus I-Coranoid Process & Ulna Tuberosity Watch Video

14 Elbow Joint Anterior Brachioradialis Flexion, Abduction (LH),
Flexion, Adduction (SH) O-Proximal aspect of the lateral ridge of the humerus I-Lateral aspect of the radial styloid process Watch Video

15 Try and work out which muscles extend the elbow
Muscles which extend the Elbow Student Task Try and work out which muscles extend the elbow

16 Shoulder Joint Inferior
Triceps Branchii (LH) Extension, Adduction, O-Infra-glenoid tubercle I-Olecranon process of the ulna

17 Shoulder Joint Inferior
Triceps Branchii (Lat/med head) Extension of Elbow Joint O-Posterior Lat Upper 1/3 & Med Lower 2/3 shaft of Humerus I-Olecranon process of the ulna Watch Video

18 Muscles which Flex the Wrist
Common Wrist Flexors

19 Common Wrist Extensors
Muscles which Extend the Wrist Common Wrist Extensors Watch Video

20 Learning Outcomes Can you now
Classify and describe the articulations of the Elbow, Wrist & Hand joint including movements Be able to identify and palpate the bony prominences Identify and palpate the main muscles Name the ligaments of the Elbow joint


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