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Artistic and Literature in Spanish America The young lady of Tacna Dra

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1 Artistic and Literature in Spanish America The young lady of Tacna Dra
Artistic and Literature in Spanish America The young lady of Tacna Dra. Patricia Nigro


3 The young lady of Tacna “Lies that tell the truth” (1980, Washington).
By why does man need to tell stories? Why does he need to be told them? It gives him an illusionary sense of permanence and relief. Fiction is the ”complete” man, a complete blend of truth and falsehood.

4 The young lady of Tacna Memory is deceptive, selective and partial.
The gaps it leaves, which are not generally accidental, are filled by the imagination. The art of telling lies is the art of story- telling. It is also surprinsingly the art of communicating a deep-seated hidden truth about humanity.

5 The young lady of Tacna The story of a familiar character became an attempt to tell the story of that elusive yet eternal process through which stories themselves come into being. The play was published in 1981. Characters: Mamaé (Mamá Elvira); Grandmother Carmen (her cousin); Granfather Pedro (her husband); Agustín (elder son); César (his brother); Amelia (their sister, the youngest one); Joaquín (chilean soldier); Señora Carlota (his mistress); Belisario (Amelia’s son). Time and place: grandparents’ house in Lima during the 1950s and Belisario’ study anywhere in the 1980s.

6 Lima

7 The young lady of Tacna Places:
Tacna (Mamaé’s youth, Joaquín and Señora Carlota’s story). Arequipa (story of Grandpa Pedro in Canamá cotton plantation in the 1920s). Vargas Llosa was born there. Cochabamba, Bolivia (Mamaé tells her stories to Belisario in the 1940s). Vargas Llosa spent his childhood in that city. Padre Venancio’s confessional (ab imaginary set). Realistic costumes.

8 Tacna

9 Tacna

10 Tacna

11 Arequipa

12 Arequipa

13 Cochabamba (Bolivia)

14 Cochabamba (Bolivia)

15 The young lady of Tacna

16 The young lady of Tacna It has a complicated structure divided in two acts. There are many scenes where actors play different roles (Señora Carlota and the indian woman, Belisario and Padre Venancio) or the same character appears young and old from one moment to another one. There’ also Belisario’s present, while writing the play he is in, he remembers facts and explain his ideas about the process of telling stories.

17 The young lady of Tacna Belisario wants to write a love story:in fact, there are two love stories. Mamaé’s disappointment because of Joaquín, her fiancé, who had a romance with Señora Carlota. Grandpa’ s betrayal to grandma when he had sex with an indian woman.

18 The young lady of Tacna Other topics are:
infidelity: Joaquín and grandpa Pedro; the process of writing stories (Belisario); turning old (memories are confused with present events; dignity of an old human being; poverty (the whole family want Belisario to become a lawyer to change their economical situation);

19 The young lady of Tacna discrimination (the scene of the dance when the black man is discovered under his disguise); religion (Padre Venancio’s confessional and Mamaé’s sins); Pacific War: scenes in Tacna.

20 The young lady of Tacna Pacific War: 1879- 1883.
Chile against Perú and Bolivia. War because of Atacama desert (salpetre and guano).

21 The young lady of Tacna From 1880 to 1929, Tacna belonged to Chile.
In 1929, it was returned to Perú. people died in that war. Bolivia lost any possibility to access to the Pacific Ocean. It is today a cause of discussion between Chile and Bolivia.

22 San Pedro de Tacna in 1861

23 The young lady of Tacna

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