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Water Framework Directive

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1 Water Framework Directive
Report on GIS Workshop 26 April 2005

2 Background Work to report on A PLEA FOR SUPPORT
Activity Group 1 - Visualisation Activity Group 2 - Common coding Activity Group 3 - CCM SDIC A PLEA FOR SUPPORT Very successful Increasingly important but only meet twice a year Raise profile with your Water Directors

3 Visualisation Expert Activity 1

4 Visualisation - Basis of the work
Article V reporting is the start point Comparing WFD to other reporting Variation of information provision Visualisation by information submission Consideration of the use of CCM Make recommendations Identify limits and related issues



7 Heavily Modified (HMWB) and Artificial Waterbodies (AWB)
Waterbodies aggregated on Austrian planning regions Austrian waterbodies aggregated on CCM WSO5 catchments Waterbodies aggregated on catchments with 1000 km²

8 Groundwater bodies at risk
Austrian planning areas and groundwater bodies Groundwater bodies




12 Activity 1 - Findings Accepted View risk against basins / sub-basins
Use rivers only for context Accepted best for Member States to define recognisable sub-basins

13 Activity 1 - Mandate Determine limit of catchment size for visualisation Agree methods for thematic reporting Prove use of CCM for WFD reporting Act as WISE GIS Contact group Determine need to review GIS guidance doc Determine tool set required Timetable Meet June and September 2005 Report findings November 2005 Increase membership to include EEA and Eurostat

14 Common coding Expert Activity 2

15 Activity 2 – Common coding
Agreed outlined benefits and uses of common coding Final comments to be provide in two weeks Next output May Position Statement Principals and purpose Description of usage and benefits Then ……definition of preferred coding method July 2005 Review feed back in September 2005 November 2005 Present preferred coding system and way forward in

16 CCM Expert Activity 3

17 Activity 3 – Way Forward Activity 3 group awaiting completion of CCM 2 improvement work First meeting planned for June Determine range of uses Visualisation Normalisation / Harmonisation Analysis modelling

18 Activity 1- findings for CCM
Define catchments and sub-basins as agglomerations of low level CCM catchments CCM could be a useful tool to Member States but needs to be improved Use geometries provided to improve CCM Rivers, basins, sub-basins Match catchments to an agreed border definition SABE Match CCM rivers to borders Mark as border rivers

19 SDIC General

20 Spatial Data Information Community
An INSPIRE SDIC had been defined for the Water Environmental data Focussed through WISE initiative Raised by DG Env To encompass all EU water based initiatives Supported by DG Env, EEA, EEA, JRC Remit To co-ordinate various water related spatial initiatives Experts drawn from WFD GIS experts in Working Group Agreed that “volunteer” experts will undertake coordinating role Spain. Holland, EEA, Ireland, Germany

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