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SUSANA CABRERA IFIC (CSIC-University of Valencia) on behalf of the CDF & D0 collaborations In my talk I am going to present the most recent and interesting results of Top pair production cross sections on behalf of the CDF and D0 collaborations. XIV International Workshop On Deep Inelastic Scattering Tsukuba, APRIL 2006
Top pair production : from TEVATRON to LHC
At TEVATRON √s=1.96 TeV: Cacciari et al. JHEP 0404:068 (2004) Kidonakis & Vogt PRD (2003) stt (theo) 6.7± 0.8 pb (MTOP=175GeV/c2) σ tt(NLO THEO): 12% ACCURACY At LHC √s=14 TeV: 10% qq vs 90% gg R.Bonciani et al. hep-ph/ CONNECTING: in order to reach a experimental precision of the same order of the current theoretical Calculation we need to combine the different channels. Experimental precision in σtt never achieved before Exhaustive test of the QCD theory We can find new physics in the top sample. Now at the TEVATRON
L(e,μ)+JETS CHANNEL: Kinematics, NN (CDF, L=760 pb-1) Secondary vertex b-tag (CDF, L=695 pb-1) ALL HADRONIC: Observed mass spectrum (DØ, 360 pb-1) tau+JETS Missing Et + JETS & Secondary vertex b-tag (CDF,L=311 pb-1) DILEPTON CHANNEL: ee,µµ,eµ (CDF, L=750 pb-1) e,µ + track with secondary vertex tag tagging (DØ, L=370 pb-1) Dilepton Inclusive (CDF, L=360 pb-1) t →Wb ~ 100% (SM) Main signatures tt llbb di-lepton % e+ bkgrd low tt lqqbb lepton+jets 30% e+ bkgrd moderate tt qqqqbb all hadronic 45% bkgrd high An interesting and promising technique, not yet analized the full dataset.
THE DILEPTON CHANNEL. Final State from Leading Order Diagram
BACKGROUNDS: Physics: WW,WZ, Z tautau q W e,µ b t Real MET from neutrinos High E T jets from extra QCD radiation MC DRIVEN Instrumental Fake leptons in W(→lν)+>=3 jets DY/Z→ee/μμ with mismeasured MET. CHALLENGE Determination relies on DATA. SIGNATURE 2 high P T leptons, PT> 20 GeV 2 high E T jets from b-quarks High Missing E T (MET) from neutrinos ANALYSES STRATEGIES: ee,µµ,eµ (CDF, L=750 pb-1) S/B favorable, no btagging needed TO BE SENSITIVE TO NEW PHYSICS Looser lepton selection: e,µ + track (DØ, L=370 pb-1) Looser event selection: Dilepton Inclusive (CDF, L=360 pb-1) An interesting and promising technique, not yet analized the full dataset.
Dileptons: ee,μμ,eµ L=750 pb-1
CONTROL REGION NJETS=0,1 SIGNAL REGION N JETS≥2 Veto Z´s in 76<Mee,μμ<106 Jet Sig = MET/σ(MET) Missing ET>25GeV (away from any jet or lepton) To enhance S/B: HT > 200 GeV ( of ET, leptons, jets & MET) To reduce fake leptons from W+(≥2jets) Leptons oppositely charged Bkg 19.3 4.3 ttbar(σ=6.7 pb) 36.1 1.3 Tota SM 55.4 5.1 Data (750 pb-1) 64 The techniquel is well established… S/B favorable, even without using btaggging. The analisis technique is simple and well established. The backgrounds: Instrumenal: FAKE: fake rates measured DY: DILEPTON EVENTS IN THE z WINDOW WITH HIGH MET, MC to distribute them outside the window and in different jet multiplicity bins. The statistical error still dominates the total error of the measurement, Control region: 0,1 jet depleted of topdilepton signal, The methods to predict backgrounds with dileptons and high MET work.. But close to the systematic, similar to the systematic of the best CDF result, l+jets with btagging
Dileptons: ee,μμ,eµ L=750 pb-1
Some kinematic comparisons of the top dilepton candidates with MC background prediction And ttbar signal predicted by using the measured value MAIN SYSTEMATICS Jet Energy Scale DY/Z →ee/μμ & fakes background method
e,μ+track vertex btag & eµ L= 370 pb-1
TO INCREASE ACCEPTANCE Release lepton ID on second leg PRICE TO PAY: MORE BACKGROUND High MET, cut dependent on Meµ,track Need to use b-tagging At least 1 b-tagged jet PRE-TAGGED NJETS=1 PRE-TAGGED NJETS>=2
e,μ+track vertex btag & eµ L= 370 pb-1
After b-tagging e+track,1 jet µ+track, 1jets e+track >=2jets µ+track, >=2jets Bkg 1.57 0.77 ttbar(σ=6.7 pb) 1.55 0.03 0.92 0.02 6.59 0.07 4.74 0.06 Tota SM Data (750 pb-1) 7 1 9 6 MAIN SYSTEMATIC Jet Energy Scale AFTER BTAGGING s/b: 1.5 Njets=1 and almost 3 in Njets>=2
Global high-Pt dilepton analysis L=360 pb-1
Higher statistical power with less purity Jet multiplicity Missing energy WW ttbar Ztt DY(ee,mm) WZ ZZ W+jets W+g New physics? Fit ALL SM processes in the MET vs NJETS space In ee,mm: σ Stat+acc syst (fit) Shape syst σtt 6.6 σWW 15.4 σ Ztautau 282 5.6 Another analysis performed in the dilepton channel is where we try to be as inclusive as possible so it has a high statistical power but less purity than in the previous coynting experiment, the idea is to look at the Missing E vs Jet Multiplicity plane and realize that ttbar is well separated from the other backgrounds. Not only this but the WW and Z-tau tau backgrounds can also be separated in this plane, so those 3 cross sections can be fitted for. Because the DY background is very large in the ee, mm channels, there is an additional cut related with the MET significance to cut it out. These are the templated used for the signal, ttbar, WW and Z-tau tau, this is where the data lies in the MET vs Njets plane and these are the obtained cross sections. The WW and Z-tau tau cross sections are in agreement with other analysis and the statistical uncertainty is less. The next step of this analysis will be to use this method to look for New physics. NEX STEP: look for new physics
THE L+JETS CHANNEL Final State from BACKGROUNDS: Leading Order Diagram
Physics: W+jets (Dominant) Instrumental: QCD multijets -1 jet faking 1 high Pt lepton -Missing ET from mismeasurements q W e,µ b t q´ ANALYSES STRATEGIES: Event Kinematics S/B ~(1:5) B-tagging S/B ~(3:1) SIGNATURE 1 isolated lepton (e,µ) Pt>20 GeV 2 jets from b-quarks 2 jets from light quarks High MET from neutrinos CHALLENGES: W+jets: IF EVENT KINEMATICS: MC driven: σ(W+jets) NOT precisely known IF B-TAGGING: W+HF(b,bb,c) (MC/DATA) W+LF(MISTAGS) QCD multijets: Determination relies on DATA. An interesting and promising technique, not yet analized the full dataset.
l+jets with kinematics & ANN
Backgrounds: W+(>=n jets) (MAIN) MC (ALPGEN+HERWIG) driven QCD multijets (3.7%) DATA driven “l+jets” Event Selection: To reduce QCD multijet: If MET<30 GeV: 0.5<ΔΦ(MET,leading jet) <2.5 METHOD: 7 KINEMATIC & TOPOLOGICAL VARIABLES HT, Aplanarity, min(Mjj), min(ΔRjj) ηMAX, , Sum(Pz)/Sum(E T), E T(2nd-j)+ET(3rd-j) ANN (Artificial Neuronal Network) Maximize discrimination ttbar against W+jets Take correlations into account Dphi cut to reduce W+3 o mor jets
l+jets with kinematics: 760 pb-1
Binned Likelihood Fit 4% QCD 80% W+jets 15% ttbar Main systematics: 8.3% Jet Energy scale 10.2% W+jets Q2 scale CDF Preliminary (760 pb-1) Sample Events Fitted tt (tt ) W + 3 Jets 2102 324.6 31.6 6.0 0.6 0.9 pb
L+jets secondary vertex tag L=695 pb -1
L+jets secondary vertex tag L=695 pb -1
s(tt) = 8.2 ± 0.6 (stat) ± 1.0 (syst) ± 0.5 (lumi) pb SYSTEMATIC ERROR DOMINATES b-tagging 6.5% luminosity 6.0% PDF 5.8% Jet Energy Scale 3.0% ISR/FSR 2.6
MET+jets secondary vertex tag L=311 pb -1
EVENT SELECTION: Multijet trigger: 4 high ET jets High SumEt. Veto high PT e or µ ≥ 1 btag tau+jets l+jets:µ,e not identified CHALLENGE Very small S/B ! 1st) CONTROL REGION N JETS=3 Measure probability to get +btag from QCD multijets and fake MET. 2nd) SIGNAL REGION NJETS≥ 4 Apply mistag probability to sample before btagging. 3rd) Optimize S/B with KINEMATIC cuts Met/ √SumEt ≥ 4 GeV ½ minΔΦ(Met,jets) ≥ 0.4 rad S/B:1/5 BEFORE BTAGGING
MET+jets secondary vertex tag L=311 pb -1
After btagging : >=1btag MAIN SYSTEMATICS: 8.2% Generator 10% Background predicion S/B= N expected (ttbar)=56.5 (MTOP=178 GeV/c2)
ALL HADRONIC: OBSERVED MASS SPECTRUM with secondary vertex tagging
EVENT SELECTION: 6 JETS: 2 b-tagged jets ET>45 GeV 2 non b-tagged jets ET>20 GeV 2 jets ET>15 GeV 2-jet mass: Mjj with 2 non-btg jets BACKGROUND METHOD: SHAPE: from pretagged multijet data random jets as b-jets Kinematic correlations: Pt-bjet, dRbb RATE: Mjj < 65 GeV shape normalized to DATA 3-jet mass: Mbjj (1btg jet, 2 non-btg jets) TIGHT Aplanarity>0.05 Centrality>0.7 Sphericity>0.5 ΔR bb>1 LOOSE No kinematic cuts MEDIUM Aplanarity>0.05 Centrality>0.6 Sphericity>0.2 ΔRbb>1 REFUTAR
ALL HADRONIC: OBSERVED MASS SPECTRUM & secondary vertex tagging
Ncand Nbackground Eff(ttbar) Loose 173 ± 13 140.4 ± 0.8 1.51 ± 0.03 Medium 86 ± 9 60.7 ± 0.5 1.17 ± 0.02 Tight 14 ± 4 5.6 ± 0.1 0.37 ± 0.03 MAIN SYSTEMATICS: 25% Bkg Model. 15% Jet Energy Scale. 18% b-tagging efficiency σ(tt) = 12.1 ± 4.9 (stat) ± 4.6 (syst) pb
CDF & DØ SUMMARY 11% 32% 50% 2% 6% -2% CDF COMBINED σtt=7.3±0.9 pb
WEIGHT 11% 32% 50% 2% 6% -2% BEST SINGLE σMEASURED CDF COMBINED σtt=7.3±0.9 pb 15% improvement w.r.t best single σmeasured
σ ttbar vs √s & MTOP MTOP σttbar 169.3 7.73 ±0.89 pb 172.0 ± 2.7
174.7 7.34 ±0.85 pb
CONCLUSIONS Check of perturbative QCD
Importance of s tt measurements Check of perturbative QCD Starting point to measure top quark properties: mass, charge, W helicity…..window for NEW PHYSICS. Background for Higgs and other searches. Current CDF precision from combined result ~12% , reach the current accuracy of the NLO QCD calculations CDF PRELIMINARY (MTOP=175 GeV/c2) Combining 6 measurements with data samples up to 760 pb-1 the systematic uncertainty dominates over the statistical. New challenge with 1 fb-1 (combining CDF & D0 ) is to reduce the systematic uncertainties (Jet Energy Scale and b-tagging) Measuring the cross section is crucial: It is a check of perturbative QCD and it is a window to New physics by comparing the cross section in the various decay channels. It is also the starting point for all properties analysis, Finally, ttbar is a background for various particle searches, so having the right cross section and everything implied in thos analysis is very important.
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