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Concurrent Evaluation of National Rural Health Mission

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1 Concurrent Evaluation of National Rural Health Mission
Status – October, 2008

2 Objectives of the Concurrent Evaluation
To evaluate the impact of NRHM interventions, by Agencies outside the Government, and make recommendations on: The institutional mechanisms and monitoring systems that have been put in place. Programme designs for consistency, feasibility and effectiveness with respect to goals of NRHM. Operationalisation of the programme elements of NRHM, identifying managerial and design constraints. Capacities available and adequacy building efforts. Programme outcomes with the respect to the phase of the programme in each State.

3 Scope and Extent By Independent Agencies including PRCs
To cover all Districts within 2 to 2.5 years in Rounds First Round to cover over 220 Districts from all States/UTs (35% of Districts) Revisit after completion of Rounds

4 Agencies Field Agencies 5 Zonal Agencies National - IIPS
one for each State/Sub-State (UP, MP) 5 Zonal Agencies one for 5-6 States National - IIPS

5 Selection of Agencies Grants-In-Aid Committee constituted
Included MoSPI, MoRD Evolved Detailed Criteria for Technical Evaluation Sub-committees constituted for Evaluation of Technical Proposals Evaluation of Financial Proposals Quality-cum-Cost scoring 70% weight to technical proposal 30% weight to financial proposal

6 Roles & Responsibilities: FIELD AGENCY
Desk review Consultation with key stakeholders Undertake evaluation in accordance to methodology Collection, collation & analysis of data using recommended tools Provide data in prescribed format to Zonal agency Coordinate with Zonal agency & prepare district & state reports Conduct Field work in 3 months; final report within one month thereafter

7 Roles & Responsibilities: ZONAL AGENCY
Training and Coordination with Field Agencies on the survey Support Field Agencies in data validation, compilation, data analysis, report generation Cross/back check data of Field Agencies Recommend payments Coordinate preparation of State/District Reports Ensure final report from field agencies within 4 months

8 Roles & Responsibilities: NATIONAL AGENCY
Overall monitoring and coordination for Evaluation Work including field work data flow report generation District/ State/ National reports Thematic Evaluation Training of Zonal /Field Agencies Monitoring the quality assurance of survey results Develop data entry package, tabulation software and provide training on the software for use by all Zonal and Field Agencies Legal support for contractual commitments and obligations Evolving framework for performance appraisal of agencies

9 FINANCIALS Total cost to be inclusive of:
Hiring of staff including salary and wages Travel (hiring taxi/renting car mandatory) Printing of schedules, reports Photographs Data collection, cleaning and tabulation Report writing Training Office overheads Any other incidental charges No additional cost will be borne by GoI

10 DELIVERABLES Inception report: within 15 days of 1st installment
Baseline report- Secondary data -Interaction with key stakeholders Mid project progress report End report Case studies and Observation reports Photographs Hard and scanned copies of interview schedule Presentations Final Report

11 SAMPLING DESIGN Schedules to be filled from: State HQ
District HQ and Hospitals Two (2) CHCs in each district Four (4) PHCs (2 PHCs per CHC) Twelve (12) sub-centers (3 sub-centers per PHC) Twelve (12) gram panchayats 24 ASHAs 1,200 households

12 Coordination mechanism
MoHFW National agency (One at national level) Zonal agencies (Five in all – group of States) Field agencies (One for each State, except MP & UP)

13 Process of Selection Date Event Remarks 27 May, 2008
Workshop with interested agencies Over 100 agencies participated 13th June, 2008 Last date for submission of proposals 21st June, 2008 First Meeting of GIA Committee Scoring criteria evolved 14th July, 2008 Technical Sub-group constituted 21st July, 2008 Technical Sub-group Scoring criteria fine-tuned 29th July, 2008 Technical Sub-Group meets Technical Scores decided 06th August, 2008 Second Meeting of GIA Committee 21st August, 2008 Financial Bid opening 22nd August, 2008 QCBS meeting 26th August, 2008 Third Meeting of GIA Committee Finalised selection of agencies

14 State-wise Distribution of proposals of Field Agencies
Lakshadweep 3 Andaman &Nicobar 1 MP-I 12 Andhra Pradesh 6 MP-II 9 Arunachal Pradesh 2 Maharashtra 5 Assam Manipur Bihar 10 Meghalaya Chandigarh Mizoram Chhattisgarh Nagaland Dadar& Nagar Haveli Orissa 14 Daman & Diu Pondicherry Delhi Punjab Goa Rajasthan Gujarat Sikkim 4 Haryana 13 Tamil Nadu HP Tripura J & K UP-I Jharkhand 7 UP-II karnataka Uttarakhand Kerala West Bengal

15 Overall Findings ...(1) Field Zonal No. of Agencies submitting EOI 150
Total Agencies after EOI 106 Total Agencies submitting bids 74 18 Total Proposals 196 22 Technically Qualified 157 16 Financially Qualified 134 14 Awarded 32 5 Acceptance Letter Received 27 4

16 Overall Findings ...(2) No bids in 4 States/UTs Single Bids:
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, D&N Haveli Single Bids: Field – A&N Isles Zonal – South, North East Financial Bids have wide variation

17 Financial Bids’ variation
Overall Findings ...(3) Financial Bids’ variation Agency Total Costs (in Rs) Max Min Average Field 1,33,79,761 Tamil Nadu 4,14,400 Uttarakhand 35,67,186 Zonal 83,58,900 North 21,06,862 Central 40,37,324

18 Post Selection Concerns Steps taken Future Steps
Financial Viability of Agencies Capability to Deliver as per Schedule Steps taken Elaborate MoU for Field, Zonal and National agencies Bank Guarantee No Conviction, No Blacklisting undertaking Key Personnel undertaking Audited Financial Statement s Bank Statements Future Steps Higher cut off for technicals Performance in Round I to be given weightage Rating of Agencies

19 Present Status...(1) Finalised and Dispatched
Memorandum of Agreement for Agencies TORs for IIPS as a National Agency TORs for Supplementary Round Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, D&N Haveli Award Letters issued to selected agencies 32 - Field Agencies 5 - Zonal Agencies

20 Present Status...(2) Zonal/Field Agencies National Nodal Agency (IIPS)
Acceptances being received Documentation to be vetted Payment of Advance (40%) National Nodal Agency (IIPS) To send acceptance and Financial Costs Organise TOTs for Zonal/Field Agencies Tabulation Plan, State/District Reports

21 Present Status...(3) Supplementary Round Round-II preparations
Field Agencies to send proposals Technical, Financial Evaluation, QCBS etc Award Letters, documentation etc Round-II preparations Repeat of cycle of EOI, RFP, Short-listing etc

22 Concerns Fresh vs Seasoned Agencies
Increase market size, create capacity in market Massive coordination activity Time-lines, contingencies, natural calamities Involvement of ROs and FSUs of CBHI in coordination

23 Over to HMIS …

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