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AP US History Segment 2 Week 3.

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1 AP US History Segment 2 Week 3

2 This Week’s Objectives
5.06 The Populists 5.07 Discussion Based Assessment 5.08 Module 5 Exam

3 5.06 The Populists DBQ- For each document you have to write a summary (Thinking about the HAP-P chart). Your summary should include answers from the HAP-P Chart. Include historical context, audience, purpose, and point of view! You also have to describe how each document answers the historical question: How did farmers have their own “Gilded Age”? Remember the definition of Gilded Age: While things appeared great on the outside, there were underlying problems! Faerms were n o different, it was an era of era of advancement in terms of farming technology and methods, but many farmers were poor and struggled!

4 Historical Context Agriculture was changing rapidly
Through the Morrill Land Grant- the federal government was giving states money to establish public universities focused on agriculture and engineering (A&M Universities) Farms were quickly established. Machines replaced workers and farming became much more effacent. However, farmers were growing too much and the value of their crops dropped Farmers also had to buy these machines with loans and that was very expensive.

5 Causes of Farmer Complaints
Farmers became more dependent upon railroads, merchants, and creditors High Price of Credit- Interest rates were very high but banks took a chance with farmers were susceptible to drought and crop failure Farmers in the West faced great instability- lack of water and faced competition from international markets

6 Farmers Unite! So…. Farmers organized into cooperatives and organization with the intent on finding solutions to their problems. National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry (Grange for short) Farmers Alliance These organizations would pool resources together and buy machines in bulk. Provided legal assistance and sought state laws to protect their interests. A union for farmers However, production still outpaced demand and incomes still dropped

7 Populist Party Farmers were frustrated by the lack of help from Rs and Ds. So they formed the People’s Party (Populist) in 1890. Populist vs populist Wanted: Government ownership of railroads (felt corporations were taking advantage of them and charging high prices) Gradual income tax to replace property tax (more money you make the higher your taxes) Free coinage of silver to expand money supply (instead of gold)

8 William Jennings Bryan
Appealed to Populist Party Ran as a Democrat in 1896 but lost to William McKinley 1896 Election is seen as the first “modern” election Advocated for a federal government that helped ordinary Americans. Advocated for many reforms that were eventually included in the New Deal of the 1930s (progressive income tax, banking regulation, rights of workers) Populist Party was unable to recover after the 1896 election. The party was vilified by both Democrats and Republicans.

9 Discussion Based Assessment
Make sure you understand the objectives for Module 5 ml

10 Module 5 Exam Multiple Choice Exam. Study Guide on my website

11 Thank You For Coming! No Meeting Week of 1/29
Any Questions? Thank You For Coming! No Meeting Week of 1/29

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