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CVE 5074 Leading Construction Operations

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Presentation on theme: "CVE 5074 Leading Construction Operations"— Presentation transcript:

1 CVE 5074 Leading Construction Operations
Organizational Leadership Part I – Group Dynamics

2 Begin Part II - Organizations
Overview of Test 1 Note on Book Report Journals Intro to Organizational Leadership Student Presentations

3 Student presentations..
The Articulate Executive Prajwal Aditya Styles at Work Hani Baatiyyah & Hamed Al Hinai

4 Book Reports… Book Reports start today... Presentations:
10-15 min each… one or two per day Come see me… your presentation to me Must use power point Key points of the book – not a summary Relate to class & leading construction teams Follow the format… Intro + Body + Closing Be creative & interesting! Don’t miss your presentation!!!!

5 Book Report Journal Take notes during each student presentation
Follow the handout template Record the 2-4 main points from each Those giving an oral book report are exempt Grading on completeness, content & professionalism Submit on April 18 or 20 2/23/2019

6 Grading of Presentations
Grading criteria - final presentation Intro/outline – 10% Organization – 10% Simple clear graphics – 10% Good voice & diction – 10% Good posture & eye contact – 10% Summary & closure – 10% Clear message – 20% Creativity & effectiveness – 20% 2/23/2019

7 Organizational Leadership
1. Individuals in groups 2. Shaping the organization 3. Directing/delegating tasks 4. Responding to employees 5. Representing the organization

8 Chester Barnard Retired CEO of New Jersey Bell Telephone
Known for his theory of organizational structure and authority Wrote “Functions of the Executive”… a book on his theory of how individuals function in groups when organized for production

9 Theory of organizations…
Organizations are made up of humans with individual motivations & goals… Every organization includes many smaller informal groups whose goals need to be harnessed The goal is to have all individuals working toward a common purpose The leader’s function is to motivate workers toward the organization’s goals

10 Individual behavior… Is the result of a combination of
Physical ability Biological needs Social wants Psychological choices Individuals make “choices” involving the evaluation of alternatives presented by 1,2,3 & 4 above… “Organizational Purpose” requires a “limitation” of these choices to achieve a “Common Goal” Motivation Factors… Mazlow

11 Definition of an “organization”
A group of individuals… some or all of whose activities are “coordinated” to achieve a purpose, e.g. Senior Design The act of coordinating activities implies placing “limits” on the behavior of individuals (biggest problem in SD)

12 About governing employees…
Groups of people in organizations can achieve infinitely more than individuals… if their behavior is “limited to a common purpose” Limiting behavior requires authority People who limit behavior are called “managers” A basis for that authority is needed And a system of coordination is needed to obtain cooperative effort

13 A graphic look at common purpose
Available Choices Available Choices Limits I I Limits I Common Purpose Limits Available Choices Available Choices I I Limits Available Choices Limits Available Choices

14 What’s wrong with this picture?
Middle Manager Middle Manager Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager Work Group Top Manager Work Group Work Group First-Line Manager

15 “Organization” Chart Top Manager What’s missing? What’s right?
Middle Manager Middle Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group

16 System of Coordination
Formal lines of communication reach all workers Defined positions show relative power Top Manager Middle Manager Middle Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group

17 Communications & Purpose
“Communications” is the medium/tool for coordinating activities to achieve a purpose “Authoritative” communications from a “legitimate” source are called “directives” The “system of coordination” formalizes the legitimacy of the directive Directives are “validated” as authoritative when they are “accepted” by the workers

18 System of Coordination
Formal lines of communication reach all workers Defined positions show relative power Top Manager Middle Manager Middle Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group

19 Authoritative directives
1. Directives must be understandable 2. Consistent with the organizational purpose 3. Employees are mentally and physically able 4. Consistent with employee's personal goals

20 System of Coordination
Formal lines of communication reach all workers Defined positions show relative power Top Manager Middle Manager Middle Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group

21 System of Coordination-1
1. Channels of communication are known 2. Channels reach all members 3. Channels are as short or direct as possible 4. All channels are utilized all the time

22 System of Coordination-2
5. Persons issuing orders are competent 6. Channels are not interrupted 7. Communications are authenticated as valid

23 Barnard’s central concepts
Individual behavior governs organizational effectiveness… the worker’s “ preferred choices” Effective decisions depend on communications Communications are both formal & informal Therefore, both formal & informal communications must be coordinated to achieve the organizational purpose

24 System of Coordination
Formal lines of communication reach all workers Defined positions show relative power Top Manager Middle Manager Middle Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group

25 System of Coordination
Informal Communications are key Informal Communications are key Top Manager Middle Manager Middle Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager First-Line Manager Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group

26 Good organization is the key to effectiveness!!!
End of Part 1…. Good organization is the key to effectiveness!!!

27 Happy Valentines Day Have a good holiday!!

28 Evaluation of presentations
Class discussion… “What did you think of the presentations???” Confusing Timing Interesting Effective

29 Evaluation of presentations
My thoughts…the good… Timing was very good… Use of examples was good… Some good, creative stories… Posture was generally fair…… Most were well prepared… Dress was mostly appropriate (for school)

30 Evaluation of presentations
The bad… Openings only fair… Closings mostly poor… Improve logic & flow… some random Key points not always clear… Some lack “direct” eye contact… All need to “appear” more relaxed… All need to add some “sparkle”…

31 Evaluation of presentations
The ugly… None really… Practice makes perfect You will get better Using PPT is easier

32 This is NOT new!

33 Organizational Authority
Legitimacy – does the manager have the power to control, direct or limit the workers’ actions… and what is the source of that power Credibility – is that power known to the workers…understood… and believed Position – does the manager’s position make them responsible for the task at hand

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