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Allegory is a story intended to be read on a symbolic level

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1 Allegory is a story intended to be read on a symbolic level
Allegory is a story intended to be read on a symbolic level. In an allegorical story the character, settings, and events are intended to have meaning independent of the surface story. Surface: The Prince and his followers retreat to his palace to avoid the Red Death. They are greatly entertained in the palace. Their festive environment is interrupted by a masked figure that turns out to be the Red Death and they all die. Symbolic: ?????

2 Write one or two sentences connecting each of the following to the story. Then, brainstorm what each might symbolize. Prince Prospero The masquerade The masked figure The number 7 The clock This story can be read in and explain two of the ways Green Orange White Black more than one way. Identify this story can be read.

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