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Outliers Warm-up: Chapter 1 “Most parents, one suspects, think that whatever disadvantage a younger child faces in kindergarten eventually goes away.

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Presentation on theme: "Outliers Warm-up: Chapter 1 “Most parents, one suspects, think that whatever disadvantage a younger child faces in kindergarten eventually goes away."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outliers Warm-up: Chapter 1 “Most parents, one suspects, think that whatever disadvantage a younger child faces in kindergarten eventually goes away. But it doesn’t…The small initial advantage that the child born in the early part of the year has over the child born at the end of the year persists. It locks children into patterns of achievement and underachievement, encouragement and discouragement, that stretch on for years” (Gladwell 28). Question #1: Were you born at the beginning or end of the year? Do you feel like your birthdate has affected your achievement in school? Why or why not? Question #2: Do you agree with Gladwell’s correlation between one’s birthdate and success in school? Why or why not? Explain.

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