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Proportional Reasoning

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Presentation on theme: "Proportional Reasoning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proportional Reasoning
The Proportional Reasoning Package contains: 8 BIG IDEAS of proportional reasoning powerful questions connected to each big idea to differentiate instruction and evoke and expose student thinking Script: The Proportional Reasoning Package is a content-based package that contains eight big ideas from number, measurement and algebra strands that support proportional thinking. Powerful questions connected to each big idea are provided as the means for differentiating instruction while evoking and exposing thinking.

2 What’s in the Package? Examine pages 1-21 Share a highlight with
your group <15 min.> Give participants time to: examine the package, discuss at their tables, ask questions. Tell them not to go beyond pg. 21. So far they have covered the content up to this point. They will learn about the rest soon.

3 Proportional Reasoning has
QUESTIONS P/J example J/I example Script: There are questions in each division to guide and assess learning with respect to each Big Idea connected to Proportional Reasoning. .

4 Proportional Reasoning has
RICH PROBLEMS How does doubling the diagonal of a square affect its perimeter and area? Script: For each Big Idea there are rich problems to help develop depth of understanding.

5 Proportional Reasoning has
SAMPLE OPEN QUESTIONS SAMPLE PARALLEL TASKS Script: The Proportional Reasoning package has sample open questions and sample parallel tasks with common and scaffolding questions.

6 Proportional Reasoning has
SAMPLE LESSON GOALS CONSOLIDATING QUESTIONS P J I S Script: For each division there are sample lesson goals and consolidating questions for each Big Idea. The lesson goal is grounded in a Curriculum Expectation.

7 Proportional Reasoning has
SAMPLE LESSON PLANS Script: Sample lesson plans for each division using the Posing Powerful Questions template are included.

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