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More Flexible Software By Favoring Implicit Calls and Implicit Communication by Karl Lieberherr Joint work with Bryan Chadwick, Ahmed Abdelmeged and Therapon.

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Presentation on theme: "More Flexible Software By Favoring Implicit Calls and Implicit Communication by Karl Lieberherr Joint work with Bryan Chadwick, Ahmed Abdelmeged and Therapon."— Presentation transcript:

1 More Flexible Software By Favoring Implicit Calls and Implicit Communication
by Karl Lieberherr Joint work with Bryan Chadwick, Ahmed Abdelmeged and Therapon Skotiniotis 2/23/2019 PPL

2 What we want well-accepted Data Abstraction Principle: the implementation of objects can be changed without affecting clients provided the interface holds. Adaptive Programming Principle: the interface of objects can be changed without affecting clients provided adaptive constraints hold. 2/23/2019 PPL

3 can abstract traversal code
non-cyclic objects explicit and implicit cyclic objects cause problems 2/23/2019 PPL

4 Abstraction boundaries
M consists of (interfaceM, implementationM) so that interfaceM(implementationM). implementationM can be changed to implementationM’ provided interfaceM(implementationM’). M2 uses M1. 2/23/2019 PPL

5 Abstraction boundaries
M consists of (faceM, mentM) so that faceM(mentM). mentM can be changed to mentM’ provided faceM(mentM’). (faceM2,mentM2) uses (faceM1,mentM1). mentM2 relies on faceM1 which changes to faceM1’. Implementation of M2 defines constraints on M1. 2/23/2019 PPL

6 Module Consists of Interface and Implementation. Implementation imports other modules. AdaptiveConstraints: Constraints on imported modules. 2/23/2019 PPL

7 Module = Interface + Implementation
uses module M2 module M1 faceM2 mentM2 faceM1 mentM1 uses faceM1 mentM1’ faceM1’ mentM12 faceM1 mentM1’’ faceM1’’ mentM13 change implementation change interface 2/23/2019 PPL

8 Module = Interface + Implementation + AdaptiveConstraints
uses (imports) module M2 module M1 faceM2 mentM2 AdapConM1 faceM1 mentM1 uses (imports) faceM1 mentM1’ module M1 faceM1’ mentM12 faceM1 mentM1’’ faceM1’’ mentM13 change implementation change interface AdapConM1(M1) 2/23/2019 PPL

9 What Hinders Creation of Flexible Software
Rigidly following rules like: Follow the structure, follow the grammar. Actively call traversal methods (explicit traversal problem). Also leads to manual passing of arguments (explicit argument problem). 2/23/2019 PPL

10 Alternative 1: AP-F Think of computation as moving or pushing up information in an object (combine methods). Allow transformation at each node (apply methods). Send information down as needed (update methods). Default behavior: copy object. 2/23/2019 PPL

11 Alternative 2: AP-P Think of computation as traversing the object and collecting information in a visitor object. Use both regular visitor variables as well as interposition variables. Interposition variables facilitate implicit communication. Default behavior: traverse object. 2/23/2019 PPL

12 AP-F implemented in Java by DemeterF
Examples plan apply only apply and combine apply and combine and update 2/23/2019 PPL

13 Type Unifying: information flow
X update(A a, X x) T combine(A a, T t) A object graph T apply(T t) T combine(B b, T t1, T t2) X update(B b, X x) B T apply(T t) T combine(C c, T t1) C D T apply(D d, X x) T apply(E e, X x) E 2/23/2019 PPL

14 Type Unifying: information flow no update
T combine(A a, T t) A object graph T apply(T t) T combine(B b, T t1, T t2) B T apply(T t) T combine(C c, T t1) C D T apply(D d) T apply(E e) E 2/23/2019 PPL

15 Type Unifying: information flow no update
T combine(A a, T t) A object graph T apply(T t) T combine(B b, T t1, T t2) B T apply(T t) T combine(C c, T t1) C D* T apply(D d) T apply(E e) E* 2/23/2019 PPL

16 Type Unifying: information flow no update
T combine(A a, T t) A object graph T apply(T t) T combine(B b, T t1, T t2) B T apply(T t) T combine(C c, T t1) C D T apply(D d) T apply(E e) E 2/23/2019 PPL

17 Type Unifying: information flow no update
T combine(A a, T t) A object graph T apply(T t) T combine(B b, T t1, T t2) B T apply(T t) T combine(C c, T t1) C D T apply(D d) T apply(E e) E 2/23/2019 PPL

18 Type Unifying: information flow no update
T combine(A a, T t) A object graph T apply(T t) T combine(B b, T t1, T t2) B T apply(T t) T combine(C c, T t1) C D T apply(D d) T apply(E e) E 2/23/2019 PPL

19 Type Unifying: information flow no update
T combine(A a, T t) A object graph T apply(T t) T combine(B b, T t1, T t2) B T apply(T t) T combine(C c, T t1) C D T apply(D d) T apply(E e) E 2/23/2019 PPL

20 Type Unifying: information flow no update
T combine(A a, T t) A object graph T apply(T t) T combine(B b, T t1, T t2) B T apply(T t) T combine(C c, T t1) C D T apply(D d) T apply(E e) E 2/23/2019 PPL

21 Type Unifying: information flow
combine(a,apply(combine(b,apply(combine(c,apply(e,x))), apply(d,x)))) Type Unifying: information flow X update(A a, X x) T combine(A a, T t) A object graph T apply(T t) T combine(B b, T t1, T t2) X update(B b, X x) B T apply(T t) T combine(C c, T t1) C D T apply(D d, X x) T apply(E e, X x) E 2/23/2019 PPL

22 Type Preserving: information flow
X update(A a, X x) A combine(A a, B b) A object graph B apply(B b) B combine(B b, C c, D d) X update(B b, X x) B C apply(C c) C combine(C c, E e) C D D apply(D d, X x) E apply(E e, X x) E 2/23/2019 PPL

23 Type Preserving: information flow
combine(a,apply(combine(b,apply(combine(c,apply(e,x))), apply(d,x)))) Type Preserving: information flow X update(A a, X x) A combine(A a, B b) A object graph B apply(B b) B combine(B b, C c, D d) X update(B b, X x) B C apply(C c) C combine(C c, E e) C D D apply(D d, X x) E apply(E e, X x) E 2/23/2019 PPL

24 semantics: apply-combine expression
Tree = <n> Node [<left> Tree] [<right> Tree]. Node = [IdentityApply] <o> Object. apply(combine(this, apply(combine(left,…)), apply(combine(right,…)) )) Translate tree object into apply-combine expression. 2/23/2019 PPL

25 Traversal semantics 2/23/2019 PPL

26 Default Transformer copy object
after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 7 8 3 4 2/23/2019 PPL

27 Parameterize Default Transformer
PathSpec apply(J j) { return new Complement(j); } after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 7 8 3 4 2/23/2019 PPL

28 Parameterize Default Transformer
PathSpec combine(J j, Boolean fn, Boolean sn) { return fn && sn; } PathSpec combine(Object j, Boolean fn, Boolean sn) { return fn && sn; } after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 7 8 3 4 2/23/2019 PPL

29 Simple application Program transformation
Old E : Num | Var | Op | Call … Op : Plus | Equals. Equals = “=“. New E : … | Bool. Bool : True | False. class BoolTrans extends IDf { static E newtrue = Call.parse(“(= 1 1)”), static E newfalse= Call.parse(“(= 1 0) “); E apply(True t) {return newtrue; } E apply(False t) {return newfalse; } } apply for transformation of result returned by builder 2/23/2019 PPL

30 de Bruijn indices Old New Var : Sym. Sym = Ident. Var : Sym | Addr.
for later de Bruijn indices Old Var : Sym. Sym = Ident. New Var : Sym | Addr. Addr = Integer. class AddrTrans extends IDf { Var apply(Var var, SymList senv) { return new Addr(senv.lookup(var));} } class SymExtender extends IDa { SymList update(Lambda l, SymList senv) { return senv.push(l.formals); } 2/23/2019 PPL

31 The default Builder for PathSpec
after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 7 8 3 4 2/23/2019 PPL

32 well-formed movie show how the default builder is modified to combine Boolean objects. 2/23/2019 PPL

33 The default Builder for PathSpec well-formed specialization 1
#t: true #f: false after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J #t :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S #t 7 #t 8 #t 3 4 #t 2/23/2019 PPL

34 The default Builder for PathSpec well-formed specialization 2
#t: true #f: false after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J #t :J #t 5 2 :S :S :S :S #t 7 #t 8 #t 3 4 #t 2/23/2019 PPL

35 The default Builder for PathSpec well-formed specialization 3
#t: true #f: false after blue arrow copy is built (like after) #t 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S #t 7 #t 8 #t 3 4 #t 2/23/2019 PPL

36 The default Builder for PathSpec well-formed specialization 4
#t: true #f: false after blue arrow copy is built (like after) #t 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. #t 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 3 #t 7 #t 8 #t 4 #t 2/23/2019 PPL

37 The default Builder for PathSpec well-formed specialization 5
#t: true #f: false after blue arrow copy is built (like after) #t 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. #t 6 :J #t :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 3 #t 7 #t 8 #t 4 #t 2/23/2019 PPL

38 The default Builder for PathSpec well-formed specialization 6
#t: true #f: false after blue arrow copy is built (like after) #t 10 #f :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 3 #t 7 #t 8 #t 4 #t 2/23/2019 PPL

39 The default Builder for PathSpec well-formed specialization 7
#t: true #f: false after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S #t 7 #t 8 #t 3 4 #t 2/23/2019 PPL

40 The default Builder for PathSpec well-formed specialization
#t: true #f: false after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S #t 7 #t 8 #t 3 4 #t 2/23/2019 PPL

41 The default Builder for PathSpec NOT_JOIN_MERGE specialization
after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 7 8 3 4 2/23/2019 PPL

42 The default Builder for PathSpec NOT_JOIN_MERGE specialization
means a copy after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 7 8 3 4 2/23/2019 PPL

43 The default Builder for PathSpec NOT_JOIN_MERGE specialization
after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 7 8 3 4 2/23/2019 PPL

44 The default Builder for PathSpec NOT_JOIN_MERGE specialization
after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 7 8 3 4 2/23/2019 PPL

45 The default Builder for PathSpec NOT_JOIN_MERGE specialization
after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 7 8 3 4 2/23/2019 PPL

46 The default Builder for PathSpec NOT_JOIN_MERGE specialization
after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 7 8 3 4 2/23/2019 PPL

47 The default Builder for PathSpec NOT_JOIN_MERGE specialization
after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 7 8 3 4 2/23/2019 PPL

48 The default Builder for PathSpec NOT_JOIN_MERGE specialization
after blue arrow copy is built (like after) 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 7 8 3 4 2/23/2019 PPL

49 The default Builder for PathSpec NOT_JOIN_MERGE specialization
insert NOT after blue arrow copy is built (like after) :N 10 :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 7 8 3 4 2/23/2019 PPL

50 The default Builder for PathSpec NOT_JOIN_MERGE specialization
insert NOT :M after blue arrow copy is built (like after) :N 10 :N :M 1 9 Count only upon first visit (red) and upon final visit (blue). For leaf nodes, count only in red. 6 :J :J 5 2 :S :S :S :S 7 8 3 4 2/23/2019 PPL

51 Illustration of combine for capacity constraint violation
19 :C (w1+w2+w3+w4,2) :Cons (w1+w2+w3+w4,1) :E (w4,0) 1 20 2 18a 3 18 3a 13a :Cons (w1+w2+w3,1) after blue arrow combine is active (like after) 17a :C (w2+w3,1) 4 12a 17 :Cons (w1,0) 5 13 14 12 16a :Cons (w2+w3,0) 15a 6 :E (w1,0) :Empty (0,0) 11a 7a 15 16 11 :E (w3,0) :Cons (w2,0) 8 both containers (C) violate capacity constraints 7 10a 9a :E (w2,0) :Empty (0,0) 9 2/23/2019 PPL 10

52 Illustration of combine for capacity constraint violation
(w1+w2+w3+w4,2) :Cons (w1+w2+w3+w4,1) :E (w4,0) :Cons (w1+w2+w3,1) :C (w2+w3,1) :Cons (w1,0) :Cons (w2+w3,0) :E (w1,0) :Empty (0,0) :E (w3,0) :Cons (w2,0) both containers (C) violate capacity constraints :E (w2,0) :Empty (0,0) 2/23/2019 PPL

53 Theory t[f,b](d) => d’, where d’=f(d), d is atomic
On left side of => the term c(…) only indicates a compound object. Theory f = apply b = combine t[f,b](d) => d’, where d’=f(d), d is atomic t[f,b](c(d0, … ,dn)) => f(b(c(d0, … ,dn), d’0, … ,d’n)), where d’i = t[f,b](di) Default functions: id[f](d) => d id[b](c(d0, … ,dn), d’0, … ,d’n) => c(d0, … ,dn) b[c](c(d0, … ,dn), d’0, … ,d’n) => c(d’0, … ,d’n) 2/23/2019 PPL

54 Theory f is a polymorphic function that takes a single argument and returns a result. b is a function object that is responsible for reconstruction of data types. 2/23/2019 PPL

55 Traversal Component Approach
implemented in DemeterF Traversal with 3 components: Builder (combine), Transformer (apply), Augmentor (update) 2/23/2019 PPL

56 Augmentors / update methods
so far: we covered combine and apply methods combine: to combine information up the object apply: to transform before the information is sent up. up refers to the traversal: when a traversal has finished visiting an object, it goes up. add: update, to send information down the object if it's not used/needed, it does not need to be mentioned, since the traversal will do the passing around. 2/23/2019 PPL

57 motivating example: Address computation
Var : Sym | Addr. Addr = Integer. class AddrTrans extends IDf { Var apply(Var var, SymList senv) { return new Addr(senv.lookup(var)); } } class SymExtender extends IDa { SymList update(Lambda la, Symlist senv){ return senv.push(la.formals); } } 2/23/2019 PPL

58 Optional argument The argument passed *into* the traversal (by the programmer) is available everywhere (in every apply/combine/update function) but it may be needed only in some objects. In the typechecker case is only needed when looking up a variable use, or modifying the type-environment with a binding.   2/23/2019 PPL

59 Like a let for subtraversals
An update argument can be viewed (almost) as a 'let' for sub-traversals: before traversing sub-terms we do a recalculation of the traversal argument. Update is called before traversing sub terms, and the modified value is only available for sub terms. 2/23/2019 PPL

60 Structure-shy passing of argument
If you look at the Scheme code you would write to traverse the same structure; you would pass along an argument to the functions, all the way through recursive calls until it is needed. At a lambda the recursive call on the body would look something like:   (type-Lambda l tenv)     (cases Exp l        (Lambda (arg body)          (type-Exp body (tenv-extend tenv arg)))        (Call (op arglist)           (let ((ret (type-Exp op tenv)) ...)        (... other cases...))) 2/23/2019 PPL

61 Default: passing it along: no code needed with DemeterF
Note that we don't change the traversal argument in most cases, only when binding an argument to a type. Usually we just keep passing it along throughout the traversal functions. The augmentor/update methods encapsulate (only) the changes of this argument, so we simply write: TEnv update(Lambda l, TEnv te) {return te.extend(l.formal);} The traversal takes care of the default case when we don't need to change the argument. 2/23/2019 PPL

62 All arguments are optional
All arguments are now optional... thus the most general method is:     Object combine(){ return ...; } Since it is applicable in all cases (all arguments optional, including the 'traversal argument'). (the traversal argument is the one updated by update methods. There is only one traversal argument) 2/23/2019 PPL

63 AST illustration Call     |--- Lambda     |      |--- Arg     |      |     |--- Type     |      |     |     |--- int     |      |     |     |      |     |--- Sym     |      |           |--- 'a'     |      |     |      |--- Call     |            |--- Plus     |            |--- Sym     |            |     |--- 'a'     |            |     |            |--- Num     |                  |--- 2     |---  Num            |--- 4 Update is called at each label and the Object returned is then available to all terms 'connected' and to the right of that label. 2/23/2019 PPL

64 Technical Details Methods you want to call determine from where you inherit: ID (all), IDa (update), IDb (combine), IDba (combine, update), IDf (apply), IDfa (apply, update), IDfb(apply, combine). 2/23/2019 PPL

65 Motivation Showing a full scheme type-checking function, and highlighting the points where the type-environment is passed, used, and extended.  The number of cases where it is just passed along motivates the want/need to put the modifications in one place, and being able to ignore the argument when it's not really needed. 2/23/2019 PPL

66 Traversal a function: 2/23/2019 PPL

67 What is shy code? Shy code shouldn’t reveal too much of itself and shouldn’t be too nosy into others’ affairs. Law of Demeter: only talk to your friends 2/23/2019 PPL

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