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Earth’s History Review!

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Presentation on theme: "Earth’s History Review!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth’s History Review!

2 Geologic Time Scale and Fossils
Relative Dating Absolute Dating Geologic Time Scale and Fossils Misc. 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 Relative dating provides
What is the sequence or order of events in which the rocks were laid down? Relative dating provides Us with… Row 1, Col 1

4 And the Lindow man’s ages Were found using ______ dating.
What is C-14 or Absolute? Otzi the Ice man And the Lindow man’s ages Were found using ______ dating. 1,2

5 Longest division of geologic
What is an era? Longest division of geologic time 1,3

6 Find fossils in rocks cooled from
What is the fossils would melt and be destroyed? Why would we not Find fossils in rocks cooled from Magma? 1,4

7 An igneous intrusion cuts
What is cross cutting? An igneous intrusion cuts Through other rock layers 2,1

8 The element that the original
What is the daughter product? The element that the original Radioactive element Decays into. 2,2

9 History is within this time
What is Pre-Cambrian? About 88% of Earth’s History is within this time Period. 2,3

10 Sample A has gone through 3 half-lives. The half-life of the
What is 1500 years old? Sample A has gone through 3 half-lives. The half-life of the Element is 500 years. How Old is sample A? 2,4

11 incomplete. Can be caused by
What is unconformity? When rock layers are incomplete. Can be caused by Erosion. 3,1

12 The original radioactive element Before it begins to decay.
What is the parent material? The original radioactive element Before it begins to decay. 3,2

13 Molds, Casts, Petrification
What are different methods of fossil preservation? Molds, Casts, Petrification And Carbonization 3,3

14 To match up rock layers by
What is to correlate? To match up rock layers by Looking at clues. 3,4

15 Remains or traces of once Lived for a certain known
What is fossils and index fossils? Remains or traces of once Living organisms Lived for a certain known Time period and can Be used to date things. 4,1

16 The time it takes for 50% Of the radioactive Isotope to decay. 4,2
What is half-life? The time it takes for 50% Of the radioactive Isotope to decay. 4,2

17 To represent recent geologic history
What is …? Where would we break up The time line below To represent recent geologic history And geologic past? Today bya 4,3

18 Difference between absolute and
What is R= sequence or order of events, A= Age in years of a sample? Difference between absolute and Relative dating. 4,4

19 Which is the oldest rock layer? Which is the youngest?
What is I, R and the principle of superposition? Which is the oldest rock layer? Which is the youngest? What principle tells us this? 5,1

20 How many half-lives has an Element undergone if there is
What is two half-lives? How many half-lives has an Element undergone if there is 25 grams of parent Material and 75grams of Daughter? 5,2

21 Why do we know more about Recent geologic history
What is fossil record, preservation and destroying of clues and evidence? Why do we know more about Recent geologic history Than events occurring in geologic Past? 5,3

22 Fill in the table if we start
Parent Material (50, 25), Daughter Product (50, 75) Fill in the table if we start With 100g of the sample. Hal-life Parent Material Daughter Product 1 2 5,4

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