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August 20th, 2014 Changes in State.

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Presentation on theme: "August 20th, 2014 Changes in State."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 20th, 2014 Changes in State

2 Do Now Place your homework on your desk
What happens when matter changes from a solid to a liquid? What is a physical property? What is the law of conservation of mass?

3 Test on Friday Hand out study guide and binder check
Silently review these for 5 minutes With your table, write down any questions that you have and give me the piece of paper You can also me with any questions about the binder or the test

4 Homework Section 2.1 What Is Matter Read pages 39-44
Answer questions on page 44

5 Objectives SWBAT describe the law of conservation of matter
SWBAT describe the effects of temperature on matter Essential Question In the real world, there are many examples of both the law of conservation of matter, and the effects of temperature on matter. What are some examples and why is it important to understand these laws?

6 Demonstration What is happening to the ice?
When the ice melts will it weight more? Less? Stay the same? Why?

7 Law of conservation of matter
Mass cannot be created or destroyed

8 Demonstration One beaker is warm water One beaker is cooler water
Food coloring is dropped in Observe for 1 minute What do you notice?

9 Change of State

10 Thermometer What is the element inside of a thermometer
How does it work?

11 Answer the Essential Question
In the real world, there are many examples of both the law of conservation of matter, and the effects of temperature on matter. What are some examples and why is it important to understand these laws?

12 Exit Ticket

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