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Is Your School Safe? Dating Abuse and Relationship Violence on Campus, and How You and Your SHAC Can Help. Abe.

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Presentation on theme: "Is Your School Safe? Dating Abuse and Relationship Violence on Campus, and How You and Your SHAC Can Help. Abe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is Your School Safe? Dating Abuse and Relationship Violence on Campus, and How You and Your SHAC Can Help. Abe

2 Who we are… Abriel Young, Prevention Coordinator
Abe/Molly Abriel Young, Prevention Coordinator Texas Council on Family Violence

3 Molly Voyles, Policy Manager Texas Council on Family Violence
Who we are… Molly Voyles, Policy Manager Texas Council on Family Violence

4 Where we work… Mission – The Texas Council on Family Violence promotes safe and healthy relationships by supporting service providers, facilitating strategic prevention efforts, and creating opportunities for freedom from domestic violence. The National Council on Family Violence operates: The National Domestic Violence Hotline Love is respect- National Dating Abuse Helpline Texas Council on Family Violence

5 Dating and domestic violence are preventable
Dating and domestic violence are preventable. We will talk about three ways your school can help: 1. Texas’ Policy Response to Teen Dating Violence 2. Awareness & Prevention Education for students 3. An established relationship with local family violence program

6 Teen Dating Violence According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Teen Dating Violence is defined as the physical, sexual, or psychological/ emotional violence within a dating relationship, as well as stalking. It can occur in person or electronically and may occur between a current or former dating partner. Molly

7 Teen Dating Violence & the CSH Model
Increase health knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Increase positive health behaviors and health outcomes. Improve education outcomes. Improve social outcomes. Molly

8 Teen Dating Violence: Know the Stats
One in three students report experiencing some form of abuse ¼ of high school girls have been victims of physical or sexual abuse 22.4 % of adult female victims and 15% of adult male victims first experienced some form of partner violence between the ages of 11 & 17 In a recent study, 75% of 7th grade students were already dating and 37% reported being a victim of psychological dating violence Molly

9 Dating Violence, Health, and School
Teen dating violence victims are more likely to: Do poorly in school Become depressed Become pregnant Engage in other unhealthy behaviors like abusing drugs and alcohol Experience a higher rate of victimization in college Abe

10 What can we do?

11 A Policy Response… 2001 SB 68—Adds the definition of dating violence to the Texas Family Code (Section ) 2007 HB 121--Requires every Texas school district to adopt a dating violence policy. 2011 SB 736—Domestic violence programs are specifically listed as permissive members of School Health Advisory Councils (SHAC’s.)

12 A Policy Response… The tragic deaths of Ortralla “ Trella” Mosley & Jennifer Ann Crecente spurred a call to action. Carolyn White-Mosley founded Trella’s Foundation in in memory of her daughter. To learn more go to: Representative Dawnna Dukes championed a new approach in Texas’ response to teen dating violence in schools by passing HB 121.

13 A Policy Response… HB 121 created Section of the Texas Education Code which requires: Every school district in Texas to adopt a dating violence policy.

14 A Policy Response… The policy must include a definition of dating violence and address: Safety planning Enforcement of protective orders and school-based alternatives to protective orders Training for teachers and administrators Counseling for affected students Awareness education for students and parents Abe starts

15 A Policy Response… Great progress was made, but there is always more to do… SB 736 (82R) supports the involvement of family violence programs’ on SHACs by expressly listing representatives from these programs as potential members.

16 A Policy Response… SB 736: Is an important tool in assisting Texas’ school districts in complying with the awareness education requirements of Section of the Texas Education Code. Creates a natural pairing between dating violence education and health. Partners experts already serving on local SHACs with those knowledgeable in dating violence to enhance their capacity to shape the way education on this important issue occurs in their district.

17 Implementing a Policy Response
Link up with your local family violence program. They can be found here: directory Talk to your SHAC and discuss ways to address dating violence as a public health issue in your schools. If you don’t have a dating violence policy, look to the model policy produced by the Texas Dating Violence Prevention Team: lence%20Policy.pdf

18 Awareness and Prevention Education for Students: A School-wide Approach

19 School-wide Approach 1) Healthy relationship curricula delivered at all age levels by trained educators. 2) Cultivation of a student culture/school climate where: abuse and violence are never tolerated, healthy relationships are celebrated, and bystander intervention is the norm youth leadership is supported youth-oriented relationship resources are available 3) School is connected to local family violence program Abe starts for resources, programming, and guidance. Health workers, teachers, and staff are trained to dialogue, affirm student feelings, and make referrals when disclosures arise.

20 Healthy Relationship Curricula:
High School: SafeDates Helps students understand differences between safe & supportive relationships and abusive, controlling ones Junior High/ High School: The Fourth R Focuses on relationship knowledge and skills to improve decision-making around risk behaviors that occur in relationships: bullying, substance abuse, and dating violence

21 PreK-8th Grade: SecondSTEP Social- Emotional Learning Program Elementary Grades: OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Program

22 Cultivating School Climate
Open, safe dialogue about relationship matters between teachers and students Sports-based prevention efforts (CBIM) Nurturing student leadership against violence Service-learning projects connecting classroom to local DV program Art and spoken word forums Posters, PSA’s, wallet cards * What if I can’t do a big curricula like that? No time, no money? Cultivating school climate is also KEY.

23 Youth-Friendly Resources
Love Is Respect, the National Dating Abuse Helpline, answers calls, chats, and texts 24/7. Their wallet-sized cards ask "How do you define love?" on the front and list the warning signs of abuse and loveisrespect's resources on the back. They’re great for handing out to large groups and can be carried discreetly.

24 Youth-Friendly Resources


26 Hanging Out or Hooking Up is a safety card for teens
Hanging Out or Hooking Up is a safety card for teens. The card challenges all teens to consider how their boyfriend/girlfriend treats them, identifying dynamics of healthy relationships and signs that may indicate abuse. The card also explores how to confront excessive text messaging and identifies dynamics of consensual versus pressured sex including the ability to use birth control.

27 Tips are provided to those wanting to support a friend who may be facing relationship abuse. The card is written in gender-neutral terms and may be used by females, or males in either heterosexual or LGTBQ relationships. The card lists national toll-free hotlines for support specific to dating abuse, suicide prevention, teen runaway, rape, incest and abuse.



30 Family Violence Programs in Texas
In Texas, there are over 100 family violence service providers. These providers offer quality victim- centered services to survivors of family violence and their children. Texas’ family violence programs may offer a variety of critical services such as 24-hour emergency shelter, nonresidential services or advocacy. To learn more about who your local agency is go to: directory

31 Build a Connection with Your Family Violence Program
Family violence programs provide safety planning and support Many offer free educational programs and school- based curricula to prevent dating abuse They are a source of up-to-date materials and resources for distribution amongst your students

32 Counselors take referrals and can help students who are being abused or abusing others
Teachers can get guidance and support dealing with disclosures or crisis intervention Youth who volunteer with their local FV program can learn to be peer leaders and become voices for change.

33 Thank you for believing that every person deserves to live a healthy life, free of violence and abuse.

34 Reources Texas Council on Family Violence LoveIsRespect
Futures Without Violence

35 Questions? Contact: Abriel Young Molly Voyles

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