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By: Zatilfarihiah Rasdi

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1 By: Zatilfarihiah Rasdi
Biochemistry II BCM311

2 Objectives Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
Define the basic terms and concepts in enzyme kinetics, metabolism and electron transport system Describe the functions, reactions and control of selected meatbolic pathways of carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids metabolisms Show the production and consumption of “high energy” compounds like ATP, production and consumption of reducing power in the pathways studied

3 Lesson plan Week Contents 1 Introduction to biochemistry 2
Bioenergetics 3 4 TEST 1 5 Enzyme kinetics 6 Carbohydrate metabolism 7 TEST 2 8 Fat metabolism 9 Amino acids catabolism 10 TEST 3 11 Term-break 12 Metabolic interrelationship 13 TEST 4 14 Revision 15

4 Lab class Reference Tests - 40% Final exam. - 60%
Campbell, M.K., and Farrell, S.O. (2009) Biochemistry, 7th ed. Thompson Brooks/Cole Boyer, R. (2005) Concepts in Biochemistry, 3rd ed. Wiley Additional text Voet, D.J, Voet, G.V, and Pratt, C.W (2008) Principle of Biochemistry, 3rd ed. Colorimetric tests for carbohydrates Chromatography Saponification value Acid value Qualitative tests for amino acid Tests for proteins The pH meter Paper chromatography Assay for proteins, reducing sugar Determination of KM and Vmax Electrophoresis and chromatography practice in BCM312 Assessment Tests - 40% Final exam. - 60%

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