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4th Grade Sheila Wells Welcome to Parent Night!

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Presentation on theme: "4th Grade Sheila Wells Welcome to Parent Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 4th Grade Sheila Wells Welcome to Parent Night!
-Conferences will be scheduled through Sign Up Genius -Sign up to volunteer

2 Communication Information
You can reach me many different ways. Classroom phone number (847) Address A hand-written note Emergency Phone Line

3 Dear Parents, Thank you so much for attending tonight. I am on the road to recovery and looking forward to returning to Sarah Adams. I appreciate you supporting Mrs. Bobrowski and Mrs. Friebus. The three of us have worked together to make the start of the year positive for all of our students. I hope the following information will be helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Sheila Wells

4 What do we teach in 4th Grade? Reading
Literacy Block is M-F is 12:45-2:15 A variety of genres covered throughout the year. Each child is required to read 400 minutes a month. This homework is part of your child’s reading grade. Fundamentals Reading Program

5 Word Study - We will be using the “Words Their Way” program.
- Lists are assigned with various sorts and activities - Throughout the year we will also focus on content area vocabulary too. These words will come directly from our units of study.

6 Writing Types of Writing
Writing in complete sentences is expected of all 4th Graders. Fundamentals Writing Program Types of Writing -Paragraph (3-5 paragraph assignments) -Creative writing -Poetry -Reports

7 Math Origo Stepping Stones Units include Math Facts
-Place Value -Fractions -Decimals -Geometry -2 & 3 digit multiplication -Long division -Problem solving Practice assigned regularly! Math Facts We use flash cards and games.

8 National Geographic Series
Ecosystems & Habitats Rock and Minerals Electricity & Magnets Human Body Systems

9 Social Studies -Midwest -Northeast -South -Southwest -West
Our main focus is on the regions of the United States. Explorers will be covered too. -Midwest -Northeast -South -Southwest -West We will learn the 50 States and Capitals.

10 Homework -Assignment notebook is filled out every day in class.
-Signature required by a parent for the first month. Then only if needed as support. -Monthly Reading Log to be kept in homework folder -Every night your child is expected to read minutes of independent reading. 400 minutes a month is required Word Work with Words Their Way lists Daily Math Homework Studying for tests and quizzes

11 Homework continued 1 free pass a trimester – “we all make mistakes”.
Responsibility Reminder – missing or late work 1 free pass a trimester – “we all make mistakes”.

12 Grades 4th Graders receive letter grades in all content areas.

13 Class Management 4 R’s – Read, Respond, Write and Resolution –
this program began last year in all grades. Positive Reinforcements for the class Conflict resolution strategies taught Free Time rewards

14 Snack -Healthy Snack (no chips, cookies or candy)
-Water bottles only (no juice) PEANUT FREE!!!!!

15 Stay Connected! My website has: Daily Assignments listed
Links to online textbooks Cool websites Important dates Weekly updates

16 Birthdays -We love to celebrate birthdays!
-No food items for treats this year.

17 Important Dates -Map Testing September 6-23rd Math and Reading
-Picture Retake Day – September 30th -Field Trip to Ryerson Woods – October 25th -Conferences - November 17th & 21st - “A Christmas Carol” – play on Dec. 8th -Poetry Presentations - December -Music Concert – February -Spring Open House – March

18 Absences -Call the school to report an absence.
-Homework can be picked up or sent home with sibling or neighbor. -Please let me know in the morning if you want the homework at the end of the day. -Vacation work will be given AFTER the student returns to school. This is a district policy.

19 Specials Schedule Math Block 8:45-9:45 Recess/Lunch 11:50-12:35
Literacy Block 12:45-2:15 Intervention Block 2:15-2:45 Monday- PE 11:15-11:45 Tuesday- LMC 10:45-11:45 Wednesday- Music 11:15-11:45 Thursday- PE/Music 10:45-11:45 Friday- Art 10:45-11:45

20 Questions????

21 Thanks for coming! We are going to have a great year!

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