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CHNA Update July 15, 2015 Context Identified priorities

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1 CHNA Update July 15, 2015 Context Identified priorities
CHNA implementation plan Progress Focus for the next quarter

2 PIMC CHNA Process The process included collecting quantitative and qualitative data and convening community stakeholders.

3 Board approved and posted January, 2015
CHNA was approved and posted at the beginning of the year 2

4 CHNA Priorities Increase immunization rates.
Access to behavioral health services. Meet the psycho-social and medical needs of higher risk patient populations, e.g. frequent users of EMS and ED services, and people with chronic or end-of-life illness. Identified priorities

5 Plan Put in place an inter-organizational advisory group – or Consortium - that can advance the CHNA implementation strategies. The scope of work for this group: Building more specific action plans Resource development Delineating relatively simple measures of success Communicating progress to the PIMC Board and community partners. Co-convened by Health Department and PIMC

6 Implementation Convened jointly by the Health Department and PIMC
Guide the implementation of the CHNA Plan. Over the next 12 months all parties will evaluate opportunities for establishing an ongoing community health alliance Group has been formed, meetings organized around the CHNA implementation goals. Purpose statement is evolving. Our aim is to create a strong Community Health leadership Group

7 Develop a community resource guide. Increase immunization rates .
 Goals Put in place an inter-organizational advisory group – or Consortium - that can help shape implementation strategies. Develop a community resource guide. Increase immunization rates . Increase behavioral health outreach and services. Develop a plan that outlines an approach to meeting the psycho- social and medical needs of higher risk patient populations, e.g. frequent users of EMS and ED services, and people with chronic or end-of-life illness. Clear goal areas, we need to get more specific with metrics… but we are making progress.

8 Progress, together Aim Status Increase immunization rates
Put in place an inter-organizational advisory group – or Consortium Moving forward Resource Guide SJCF and FRC scoping Increase immunization rates Detailed plan in place; PeaceHealth supporting Increase behavioral health outreach and services. Merge with HRSA telehealth; PeaceHealth leading Develop plan for meeting needs of frequent users of EMS and ED services, and people with chronic or end-of-life illness. Collecting better data; scoping the problem Examples of how we are working together to achieve our aims: Immunization Plan developed by Health Department; PeaceHealth supporting through MarCom involvement in public campaign (when we get to it), plus offering our grant writer to assist with Pfizer grant. The merging of the HRSA grant, PeaceHealth leading (next slide)

9 Focus for the next quarter
Working with local stakeholders, staff assigned to the HRSA grant identified the following set of behavioral health focus areas for further assessment and planning: School-based outreach and intervention for children with behavioral health issues Access to psychiatry in the ED and primary care setting Skilled nursing facility (SNF) access to mental health services ESL and other sub-group population access to behavioral health services

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