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Bench Tools (Metalwork) Quiz

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Presentation on theme: "Bench Tools (Metalwork) Quiz"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bench Tools (Metalwork) Quiz

2 What material is this rule made
from? High Speed Steel Aluminium Stainless Steel Iron

3 What is the correct name for
this tool? Dividers Vernier Callipers A Centre Punch An Engineers Square Outside Callipers A Scriber Odd Leg Callipers

4 3. What is the correct name for
this tool? A Try Square An Engineers Square A Set Square A Centre Square

5 4. What is the correct name for
this tool? A Scriber Spring Dividers Vernier Callipers An Engineers Square Outside Callipers A Centre Punch Odd Leg Callipers

6 5. Which tool should be used to draw a line parallel to an edge?
A Rule An Engineers Square Spring Dividers Odd Leg Callipers

7 Steel 6. A Centre Punch is made from? Lead Cast Iron Brass Zinc High Carbon Steel Iron Copper

8 7. Which tool should be used to draw a line at right angles to an edge?
A Rule An Engineers Square Spring Dividers Odd Leg Callipers

9 8. This part of a file is called?
Spike Handle Ferrule Tang

10 9. What is the correct name for this tool?
Repousse Hammer 9. What is the correct name for this tool? Sledge Hammer Planishing Hammer Cross Pein Hammer Ball Pein Hammer Claw Hammer

11 10. What is the correct name for the process being demonstrated here ?
Applying witness marks to a scribed line Applying punch marks to a scribed line Applying dots to a scribed line Applying sight marks to a scribed line

12 Quiz Completed Well Done

13 Wrong Click here to try again

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