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Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean Southern Ocean.

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Presentation on theme: "Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean Southern Ocean."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean Southern Ocean

2 Chapter 3 Ocean Zones Mrs. Verrastro

3 Ocean Life Zones Ocean biomes cover 71 percent of Earth's surface.
Life Zones are defined by their depth from the surface. Near coasts, intertidal and estaury zones are the where land and water meet--ecotones. As it gets deeper, there is less light, and at about meters twilight turns into darkness.

4 Relative Depth Ocean Life Zone
Surface to m Euphotic zone (lighted zone) Land & Ocean Meet Intertidal (littoral) Land and river Meet Estuary less than 200 meters Continental Shelf 150 to 1,000 meters Mesopelagic (twilight top, dark bottom) 1,000 to 3,000 meters Bathypelagic (deep, cold and dark) 3,000 to 7,000 meters Abyssopelagic

5 The Euphotic Life Zone Plankton means floating life that moves by wind and currents. Two Kinds (Phyto and Zoo) All the oceans are covered with floating Plankton.  The plankton zone is extremely productive because it is bathed in sunlight. Almost all ocean food webs begin in the plankton. Phytoplankton are the ocean's primary producers .  .

6 Phytoplankton Life that first began photosynthesis (using sun energy to make food energy) As a by-product, created the oxygen atmosphere. They are self-feeders, or autotrophs Phytoplankton depends on nutrients available shallow water, such as the continental shelves.

7 Pytoplankton Diatoms Cyanobacteria-oldest photosynthesizer

8 Zooplankton Can't feed themselves…known as heterotrophs.
They feed on phytoplankton. Zooplankton such as copepods and krill are visible to the eyes. Krill is a food source for many animals, like baleen whales. Krill live in arctic and antarctic waters, which are warming. Krill are dying. There are also animals in the Euphotic zone that can swim. Many are young fish called nekton.

9 Zooplankton Blue Copecod

10 Can You Find the Copecod?

11 What’s My Name?

12 The Littoral Zone Supratidal zone-upper beach that gets a fine mist of salt spray from waves. Beach plants like grasses, shrubs, trees. Organisms here must cope also with exposure to air, fresh water from rain, cold, heat and predation by land animals and seabirds. Lichens, periwinkles, neritidae and detritus feeding isopoda.

13 Supratidal Zone

14 The Intertidal Zone The Intertidal zone,(Eulittoral)
It extends from the high tide line, to the low tide line. The wave action and turbulence of recurring tides shapes and reforms cliffs, gaps, and caves. There is a huge range of habitats for sedentary organisms. Mussels, clams, barnacles, sea squirts, and polychaete worms—

15 What’s My Name?

16 Subtidal Zone Area below the intertidal zone. Area of Wave Turbulence
Fish, Crabs, Sea Stars, Sea Urchins are Found Here. Completely Underwater.





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