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B A beginner, one who is not paid for doing a job

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1 B A beginner, one who is not paid for doing a job
Warm-Up: Take a new LINCS strategy sheet. Place your homework on your desk. In the next table of your LINCS sheet, copy the following information: 1. Term:   Amateur 3. Reminding Word (sounds like or looks like): 4. Story (use the definition and the reminding word): 5. Picture 2. Definition: A beginner, one who is not paid for doing a job B

2 Sheets 5 and 6 5A: Ratify: Approve or confirm 5B: Amateur: A beginner, one who is not paid for doing a job

3 Sheets 1 and 2 1A. Aghast: horrified 1B. Stupefied: confused 1C. Goad: to whip or annoy into doing something 1D. In Vain: with no purpose 1E. Spontaneously: suddenly 1F. Navigate: to find the correct path from one spot to another 2A. Empower: To give power or strength to. 2B. Timid: Being scared or being unsure of yourself. 2C. Philanthropy: A desire to help people, especially through charity. 2D. Advocate: To speak or write in favor of something. 2E. Amend: To make minor changes in something to make it more fair. 2F. Peer: A person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background and social status.

4 Sheets 3 and 4 3A. Obstruct: To interrupt or block. 3B. Prosecution: Taking someone to court for committing a crime. 3C. Assent: Acceptance, agreement, approval. 3D. Impartial: Neutral, fair, on neither side. 3E. Delegate: Assign something to a group of people to do. 3F. Grievance: Complaint, criticism, protest. 4A. Persecute: To bully, harass, torment, or bother. 4B. Tyranny: Cruelty, bullying. 4C. Plunder: To steal or rob. 4D. Economic: Having to do with money. 4E. Fundamental: Basics; very important part of something. 4F. Bias: Favoritism; (like playing favorites)

5 Sheet One Aghast: horrified Stupefied: confused Goad: to whip or annoy into doing something In Vain: with no purpose Spontaneously: suddenly Navigate: to find the correct path from one spot to another Sheet Two Empower: To give power or strength to. Timid: Being scared or being unsure of yourself. Philanthropy: A desire to help people, especially through charity. Advocate: To speak or write in favor of something. Amend: To make minor changes in something to make it more fair. Peer: A person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background and social status.

6 Agenda (Tuesday, 10/23) Essential Question: How do the essential details help me to determine the overall meaning of a text? Standard: RL1 Finding key details Objective: Students will use essential details of a text to come to a conclusion based on a high order thinking question. Warm-Up: LINCS: Amateur Whole Group: Prepare for new round of rotations Work Period: Technology: Achieve 3000, fill out yellow sheet and answer Activity Questions (Danza Makes the Grade)( Independent Work: Grade 8: Read Chapter 11 of Life and Death and complete BMH questions and HOTQ. Independent Reading: Choose a book from the class library. Read quietly. Focus on any new vocabulary you can find. Teacher-Led: Skill-based lessons. WR: Syllabication, Chunking; SRC: Theme-Aesop’s Fables (using essential details to determine theme)

7 Iron Man (WR) A Gjoka, Klevisa C Brown, Paris  Black Widow (WR) Mosley, Cardarrius B Fera, Kevin D Rivera, Alexis E Eley, Jaquan  Thor (SRC) Akers, Stephanie Chavez, Angel Duarte, Nicolas G Hendrix, Christian H Osorio, Luis  Captain America (SRC) Chubb, Connor Kearse, Joevin Tison, Cody Patterson, Rylee

8  Thor (SRC) A Bell, Jatavia B Dupree, Izabella C Reneau, Cortney D Ghasseminia, Laleh F Moore, Christopher  Captain America (SRC) Hawkins, Jaylon Clayton, Paige Mancinotti, Antonio Velezcruz, Tenasia E Johnson, Bryan H Fleming, Kristopher Iron Man (WR) A Harris, Skylar C Mitchell, Darius E Macias, Madison G Robinson, Jayonna D Harris, Dontrell  Black Widow (WR) Clearwater, Bremen Jackson, Janie McClintock, Angel F Norales, Justin Stephens, Jalantis

9 Iron Man (WR) A Foreman, Laila B Sailor, Tazarya D Jackson, William F Banjac, Alan Black Widow (WR) C Stern, Oscar  Thor (SRC) King, Emmanuel Miller, Zahir  Captain America (SRC) Hewett, Zachary Marshall, Jordan G Roca, Avery

10 Iron Man (WR) A Powell, Jeremiah D Butler, Trevin E Lloyd, Jacquez F Vaz, Esther  Black Widow (WR) Lee, Kayanna B Lopez, Mario C Walker, Lashai Xhafkollari, Fiorgen Carlos, Edwin  Thor (SRC) B Ervie, Brandon D Martin, Zackary E Ramirez, Andy F Witt, Joey  Captain America (SRC) A Sannoh, Faridatu C Harden, Jaquaivius Alameda De La Rosa, Juan G Valenzuela, Ezekiel H Cuadra-Ramirez, Ivan

11 Steve Rogers /22 Life and Death 11


13 Does Maria have legitimate reasons to hate school? Explain.

14 High Order Thinking Question, Chapter 11
Does Maria have legitimate reasons to hate school? Explain. Begin with a complete topic sentence that answers the question. Cite your evidence. Include evidence from the book that supports your topic sentence. Use at least two pieces of evidence to support your answer. Include at least one elaboration/ explanation sentence with each piece of evidence that shows how your evidence supports your topic sentence. Finish with a concluding sentence.



17 Socratic Seminar 2 Book-Mind-Heart Questions
1 Version of the High Order Thinking Question What could this chapter teach schools about how to be helpful to students like Maria? Explain.

18 Closing Would you ratify an amendment to the school’s constitution that requires students to eat the food made by the school’s cafeteria?

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