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Year 1 Information Meeting.

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1 Year 1 Information Meeting

2 Year 1 Staff Mrs Linkens - Plum Class TA - Mrs Bench, Miss Hulme
Mrs O’Donnell - Apple Class TA Miss Hale, Mrs Weaver Mrs McDonald/Miss Chroust - Cherry Class TA – Miss Lendrum

3 Timetable PE – Monday, Tuesday, Friday
Pumps/Trainers (not laces, unless they can tie them quickly) T-shirt Shorts Tracksuit bottoms Tape for earrings/studs (eg micropore) Hair tied back Keep PE kits in school until half term. Take kit home on a Friday to wash at your own discretion.

4 Timetable Library – Monday Maths Targets – Every other Monday
Reading books changed every Monday. Our expectation is that children should read books more than once to help with fluency and comprehension. Each class has a book changing box for children to put their books in if they need changing more frequently.

5 Timetable for Year One 2017-2018 Apple/Cherry/Plum
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9: Register :25 Maths Targets Library with PCL (Cherry) & Fruit English Book Talk or Indoor PE 10: Assembly Singing Assembly Celebration Assembly Break :25 Phonics 11: (spelling & grammar) Lunch Library with PCL (rest) 1.15 1:20-2:20 Art/Readers PPA Computing – taught by Miss Lendrum Music – taught by Mrs Brown Outdoor PE – taught by Mrs Lawn *History PSHE & History Booktalk Geography/Readers RE PSHE/*Geography Art & Geography Indoor PE 2:20-3:20 Show & tell Golden Time *Science PSHE & Science Art /Readers 3:10-3:20 Story & home * Each class focusses on a foundation subject each week on a rotational basis.

6 Homework Reading - Children read individually at least once a week in school and some will sometimes read in a group. (Please write in planner, particularly during Reading Awards) Maths Targets – tested every other week. Certificates are awarded on Fridays in Celebration Assembly. Show & tell – Every child has a turn each half term; a rota for when it’s your child’s turn has been sent home. Please help them to prepare for this. Spellings – After Christmas we will be sending words home to learn and will start weekly tests

7 Topics Autumn – Bears Sparkle Spring – Once Upon a Time On The Move
Summer – Mini worlds (Trip to Bekonscot Model Village) Splash!

8 Expectations in Year One
Independence Children are responsible for their belongings and organising themselves at the end of the day. We also encourage children to put their reading books in the book changing box in the classroom when they need changing. Please encourage independence when getting dressed and ready for school too. Politeness Stickers are awarded for good work and are put on a sticker chart. When a child has 10 stickers they can choose a prize. The traffic light behaviour system. All children start the day on green. They may be moved onto the star for super behaviour! If they are moved to orange they will miss 5 minutes of the following playtime. If a child is moved to the red traffic light they will go to see Mrs Turner and parents will be informed at the end of the day. Children whose good behaviour or work stands out may go into the Golden Good Book. They will have this celebrated in the Friday assembly. The Behaviour Policy is on school website.

9 What you can do to help in school:
Help in the classroom for an afternoon each week, or every now and then. (you will need to have a DBS check carried out) Join the Friends of Shinfield Come along to events such as plays and class assemblies (Spring term) Support the cake sales, especially for your child’s class.

10 What to bring to school Water bottles (with plain, still water) everyday. Book bag with planner and reading books. Coat. PE kit on a Monday. Library book on a Monday. Please make sure everything is named!

11 Other Important Information
Curriculum News – You will receive this with the Newsletter at the start of every half term. Newsletters – You should receive these by Parentmail every Friday; please let the office know if you don’t get them. Year 1 Phonics check – takes place next June, there will be a meeting about this nearer the time. New Curriculum – expectations are very high, we will do our best to keep you informed whether your child is “on-track” to achieve the end of year expectations. Our first parents evening is in the last week before half term on Tuesday and Thursday. Handwriting pencils are awarded to one child in each class each week for neat, careful handwriting.

12 This is an activity that we include in a variety of lessons to encourage important skills such as collaboration, sharing and good speaking and listening. The children work towards a common goal in a pair or small group. They will be praised for their attitudes as much as for the end result. If your child wins a rosette it is because they showed excellent social skills and speaking and listening skills. The rosette is for them to keep!

13 Any questions?

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