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Feudal Powers in Japan.

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1 Feudal Powers in Japan

2 Background of Japan GEOGRAPHY-archipelago made up of over 4,000 islands RULE-Clans controlled their own territory RELIGION- Shinto belief based on respect for the forces of nature and worship of ancestors

3 Japanese adopt Chinese Ideas
500 AD contact with China increases People migrate from Korea and bring Chinese ideas: Buddhism (Zen Buddhism-incorporates Shinto ideas into Buddhism) System of writing Government structure Japanese adapted Chinese ways to suit their own needs. Love-Japanese Love-Chinese

4 Royal Authority Heian period-royalty and a highly defined court system
Royalty and ppl of the court followed artistic pursuits like writing, painting, poetry Tale of Genji world’s first novel (written by a woman) Followed strict rules, etiquette and refinement

5 Feudalism Wears Down Royal Authority
Strong central government during the Heian Period Power begins to slip Too caught up with in luxury than in governing Large landowners set up private armies Beginning of a feudal system in Japan Eurocentric: A world view that focuses on Europe’s accomplishments or history

6 Samurai Warriors Loyal warriors to a lord (Samurai means “one who serves”) Lived according to Bushido (a demanding code of behavior): Show reckless courage Respect of the Gods Fairness Generosity for ppl who are weaker

7 The Shogunate Ruling Lord took control and gave himself the title Shogun Shogun-powers of a military dictator: officials, judges, taxes, armies, roads were under his authority Held real power from the Emperor Fought off 2 attacks from Kublai Khan

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