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KARYOTYPES A diagram showing the arrangement of chromosomes aligned with their homologous chromosome Allows doctors to determine if an unborn child will.

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Presentation on theme: "KARYOTYPES A diagram showing the arrangement of chromosomes aligned with their homologous chromosome Allows doctors to determine if an unborn child will."— Presentation transcript:

1 KARYOTYPES A diagram showing the arrangement of chromosomes aligned with their homologous chromosome Allows doctors to determine if an unborn child will have a chromosome disorder

2 A Human Karyotype Human cells have 46 chromosomes
Each chromosome has a matched chromosome called its HOMOLOGOUS chromosome. These matched pairs contain similar genetic information This is a normal male

3 AMNIOCENTESIS Procedure done to create karyotype
Amniotic fluid is removed from womb (contains baby’s cells) Chemical added to start mitosis (chromosomes become visible) Picture taken, chromosomes cut out & matched. Then arranged

4 Can you identify this karyotype?
What is the sex of this individual? How many chromosomes does this individual have? Is this a normal or abnormal karyotype?

5 DOWNS SYNDROME Results from an extra 21st chromosome (trisomy 21)
RISK FACTOR INCREASES WITH MOTHER’S AGE Impaired cognitive ability Impaired physical growth Short chin Round face Thick tongues Almond shaped eyes Poor muscle tone Congenital heart problems Gastrointestinal problems Thyroid problems

6 KLINEFELTER SYNDROME Males have an extra X chromosome (XXY)

7 TURNER SYNDROME Females are missing an X Chromosome (X0)

8 Can you identify this karyotype?
What is the sex of this individual? How many chromosomes does this individual have? Name the condition MALE; 47; abnormal karyotype; KLINEFELTER SYNDROME

9 Can you identify this karyotype?
What is the sex of this individual? How many chromosomes does this individual have? Name the condition FEMALE 47 DOWN SYNDROME

10 Can you identify this karyotype?
What is the sex of this individual? How many chromosomes does this individual have? Name the condition FEMALE 45 TURNER SYNDROME

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