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E-beam Characterization: a primer Part 1

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1 E-beam Characterization: a primer Part 1
Phys 590B April 2, 2014 Matthew J Kramer

2 Why and Which Method E-beam characterization E-beam Instruments
IT IS the only reliable means for microstructural and microchemical analysis! E-beam Instruments Surface SEI From mm to nm, surface information only BSE Surface Z distribution Topography Transmission Diffraction contrast Microns to atoms Crystallography Both types can utilize the various spectroscopes

3 Forest or the Leaves

4 What do you need to know? Surface scanning
Loose powders to polished surfaces Large depth of field Morphology will effect spectroscopy

5 Transmission Microscopy
Region of interest needs to be electron transparent ~10 – 100 nm, depending on Z How you thin can matter Significantly higher resolution Very different imaging contrast used

6 The SEM E beam is accelerated by a large voltage
Lens forms a fine probe Rastered across the sample SEI BSE

7 Imaging Secondary Electrons Backscattered Electrons Very near surface
Strongly Z dependent Interactions at a depth Co-Sm-Fe alloy

8 Crystallography BSE can be induced to channel along crystallographic planes Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD)

9 Si dendrites in Al matrix

10 e interactions Auger electrons
Two views of the Auger process. (a) illustrates sequentially the steps involved in Auger deexcitation. An incident electron creates a core hole in the 1s level. An electron from the 2s level fills in the 1s hole and the transition energy is imparted to a 2p electron which is emitted. The final atomic state thus has two holes, one in the 2s orbital and the other in the 2p orbital. (b) illustrates the same process using spectroscopic notation, KL1L2,3.

11 e interactions C and higher Z
E-beam energy must exceed the binding energy

12 Depth: 0.002 - 0.01 m (2-10 nm) 5-20 atom layers
Auger e’s vs X-rays Counter yield Auger e’s low energy Require a high vacuum Very near surface 0.01 x 0.01 x m (10 x 10 x 2 nm ) 200 x 200 m Sample being analyzed 1 m3 XPS AES EDS Depth: m (2-10 nm) 5-20 atom layers NOTE: Scaling is only approximate

13 Detecting and Quantifying X-rays
Solid State detectors Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS)

14 Detecting and Quantifying X-rays
Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy Much higher energy resolution

15 Quantification and Spatial Resolution
Average Z and E dependent Requires stable e-beam source Requires standardization Requires known geometry i.e., flat, parallel surface 1 µm

16 Auger EDS KV Al-K Ge-L Ge Al 20 15 10 5

17 JEOL 5910lv Resolution (SEI) Magnification Probe Current Image modes:
3.0 8 mm wd Magnification 18-300,000 x Probe Current   1pa  1 microamp Image modes: SEI 3 Backscatter Topo Compo Shadow EDS Line scans mapping

18 JEOL 5910lv Poor Vacuum mode:
Resolution mm working distance Backscattered mode only in the poor vac  mode Adjustable chamber pressure Pa Tungsten filament with automatic adjustments Beam Blanked in “Freeze” mode Alignments and conditions automatically and individually saved for each user Specimen Chamber and Stage: 5 axes (X 125mm range, Y 100mm range, Z 43mm range, T 10 to 90 range, R 360 endless) Maximum specimen size 7” with full coverage Specimen position graphical indicator as well as chamber camera Absorbed current ( Specimen current ) measured Image memory selectable to 1,280 x 960 x 8 bits Can frame average  up to 255 frames Image storage formats BMP, TIFF or JPEG.  We recommend BMP with merged text.

19 JEOL JXA-8200 Superprobe combined WDS/EDS
5 wavelength-dispersive spectrometers, 10 crystals B through U four 140 mm Rowland circle one 100mm Rowland circle EDS, 10 mm2 Si(Li) crystal, Be window Na through U Software quantitative analysis compositional mapping phase analysis integrated WDS/EDS operation.

20 Overall Capabilities Electron Optical and Vacuum Systems
W or LaB6 electron source Acceleration voltage kV Useable beam current to 10-5A Pneumatically driven Faraday cup for beam current measurement (serves as beam blanking) Turbomolecular vacuum pump All functions controlled through central computer system Imaging Capabilities Secondary electron detector Backscattered electron detector with composition/topography mode 10 user selectable scan speeds Magnification 40x to 300,000x Optimal imaging resolution 6nm Dedicated 18 inch flat panel display for electronic images Optical microscope for reflected light observation of sample Optical system coaxial with electron beam High resolution color video mini camera Automatic optical focus device

21 Sample Preparation Maximum sample size Stage travel Stage tracking
150 x 150 x 50mm 4 x 1in. diameter samples Stage travel x = 100mm, y = 90mm, z = 3mm Stage tracking < ±1μm Requires flat, well polished surface Standardization Elemental or line compounds

22 Element Mapping

23 JAMP7830F Auger Microprobe
Schottky field emission gun 0.5 to 25kV beam voltage 10-11 to 1x10-7 A current Minimum probe size: 4 nm in SEM mode, 10 nm in Auger mode Chamber pressure 5 x 10-8 Pa (3 x torr) Stage movement: X,Y mm, Z + - 6mm Normal sample size: 12mm dia. 5mm thick

24 JEOL 7830F Schematic View Key Components that produce High Energy Resolution and Reliable KE Values JEOL 7830F AES Advantages & Capabilities ( HSA vs CMA, and FE vs LaB6 )

25 Elemental Mapping Nb-Cu metal-metal composite

26 High Energy Resolution AES Chemical State Map:
Cuo vs Cu2O (D E = 0.9 eV) Cu2O Cuo Red = Cuo Green = Cu2O SEM

27 Chemical Shifts O Gas Capture Study CrOx CrOx Cro Cro
This sample was ion etched to remove all contamination and left in UHV at 3 x torr 14 hr. This reveals the reactive nature of “clean” surfaces. O 14 hr - end Gas Capture Study CrOx CrOx O hr - start Cro Cro Reactive Nature of the Clean Surface of a Co-Ni-Cr Alloy

28 Limitations of Auger Electron Spectroscopy
Cannot detect hydrogen or helium Destructive depth profiles. Samples must be small and compatible with high vacuum. Elemental quantization depends on instrumental, chemical, and sample related factors. Chemical information is depended on quantity and element Most sample surfaces are contaminated—must be cleaned by ion etching

29 Sample Preparation Best if sample is parallel polished
Best sample size: < 10 mm dia. < 3 mm thick Please no potting of sample in plastic matrix For very small samples consult with us first Samples that are used in some type of process, need to be in proper form before processing Remember ---- do not touch the samples with your hands!

30 Conclusions 1st determine what you need to know
i.e., grain size or just average chemistry How precise do your measurements need to be? Will dictate sample preparation, obtaining standards etc. WDS vs EDS or is BSE good enough What elements are possibly present, including impurities? Are there overlaps? WDS vs EDS Chemistry of the surface or of the bulk? XPS and SAM vs SEM Decide which instrument(s) will be needed Discus techniques and sample preparation first with staff Not with your classmates (unless they are an expert)! Keep an open mind It is not unusual that your preconceived notions are wrong But artifacts are possible How does grinding and polishing affect the composition and possibly microsctucture Is your sample sensitive to air, moisture etc. How do these results mesh with other bulk measurements? Microscopy is a powerful tool, but one of many tools, it should be complimented with other techniques when appropriate. XRD, SQUID etc.

31 SEM vs TEM Imaging Physics is completely different
SEM – scattered electrons from the surface (secondary or backscattered) TEM – elastically and in elastically transmitted electrons through a thin foil. Imaging diffraction

32 Interaction with the Sample
Mean free path Measure of the probability of an electron interacting with the sample How to thin your sample and how thin to make it Affect diffraction contrast Determine accuracy of your spectroscopy

33 Electron Diffraction

34 Diffraction Patterns Captured using an area detector
Sample can be tilted

35 Improving the Diffraction Information
SADPs contain only rather imprecise 2D crystallographic information because the Bragg conditions are relaxed for thin specimens and small grains within the specimen

36 Convergent beam electron diffraction
Region sampled limited to the probe size Contains both the elastic and inelastic scattered electrons


38 These patterns will aid in tilting and precisely setting image conditions


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