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PHYS 408 Applied Optics (Lecture 14)

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1 PHYS 408 Applied Optics (Lecture 14)
Jan-April 2017 Edition Jeff Young AMPEL Rm 113

2 Quick review of key points from last lecture
ABCD matrices are reasonably easy to derive for individual optical elements (and propagation) based on a combination of Fermat’s principle and ray optics. They can be used, for instance, to derive the focal length of a thin lens in terms of the refractive index of the glass and the radii of curvature of the surfaces. One can transform either q(z) or 1/q(z) using the ABCD matrix elements (NOT DIRECT MATRIX MULTIPLICATION) in slightly different ways. Both can provide useful insight and/or efficient ways of understanding the effect of the optical element on a Gaussian beam.

3 Gaussian Example #1 (free space propagation)
Emphasize that this is a “single Gaussian” defined everywhere in space by two parameters, this just “propagates” the q or 1/q parameters

4 Gaussian Example #2 (effect of a thin lens)
Given a lens of known focal length f, what is of interest to calculate/know? See handwritten notes: emphasize that now dealing with the transformation between two distinct Gaussian beams (through the lens). Extend both with red pen

5 And the answer is ….. z2 Interpret?
Focus off, radius of curvature at nominal focus, minimum spot size z2 Interpret?

6 Resonators/Cavities: Generalize
What is a resonator? Examples? From earlier in the course? Fabry-Perot (plane mirrors) Preface this change of topics with the fact we now have a bunch of tools that can be used to analyze resonators/cavities in more generality.

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